Trevor Loudon: End the CCP or We Need to Fight for Our Survival

Trevor Loudon: End the CCP or We Need to Fight for Our Survival
Anti-communist activist, researcher, and filmmaker Trevor Loudon in New York on Nov. 27, 2020. Brendon Fallon/The Epoch Times
Harry Lee
To save America, we have to be actively fighting CCP (Chinese Communist Party) or we will need to fight for our survival and freedom forever, Trevor Loudon said in a recent interview with NTD’s “Focus Talk.”

“It’s no good just promoting freedom and free enterprise. We all have to be active anti-communists at a local level and at a national level,” Loudon said at the Our America Conservative Minority Conference in Dallas, Texas. “We have to rid the world of communist governments, or otherwise, we’re going to be fighting for our survival and our freedom forever.”

Loudon is an author, filmmaker, and public speaker. He’s also a contributor for The Epoch Times.

“Communism has always had a plan of world domination. And the major impediment to that has been a free United States,” Loudon said.

Loudon said that communism has been infiltrating America for 100 years—coordinated first by the Soviet Union, now by communist China—and America is very close to toppling.

“Now we’re seeing the fruits of 100 years of infiltration. We are this close to toppling—every major institution is dominated by the far-left, by communists, by Chinese agents, by enemies of America. So we have to get active because we have very little time left to stop this.”

Loudon said millions of people are now getting active—fighting critical race theory, working on the recall in California—because they understand they could lose their country. “Sometimes, you have to almost lose something before you really appreciate what you have.”

Handing Afghanistan to CCP

“The United States has just handed Afghanistan to China, with all those rare earth minerals, with all that lithium, with all of those resources, very strategic,” Loudon said, criticizing the Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“Bagram military base will probably be turned over to China,” Loudon continued. “The United States, in a time when Russia and China were getting increasingly aggressive, had a very firm base on the border of those countries, right strategically there. Now it’s given it to China.”

A US Air Force transport plane lands at the Bagram Air Base in Bagram on July 1, 2021. (Wakil Kohsar / AFP via Getty Images)
A US Air Force transport plane lands at the Bagram Air Base in Bagram on July 1, 2021. Wakil Kohsar / AFP via Getty Images

All these things will encourage Chinese aggression in the Pacific, Loudon suggested.

“You’ve just taken away one front for China to worry about. They don’t have to worry about that front,” Loudon continued. “So you’ve basically given the enemy control over Central Asia, which is going to embolden them in the Pacific. So it’s a lose-lose for America. I don’t see any upside in this at all.”

The Biden administration has repeatedly defended the withdrawal from Afghanistan, part of the reasoning is to free more military resources for Indo-Pacific.

Loudon also criticized how the withdrawal left billions of dollars of materials to an enemy of the United States. “That is not stupidity, that is way beyond stupidity.”

Getting Involved to Save America

Everyone, including every minority person, need to get involved to save America, Loudon said.

“Get involved in the American politics on the ground, get involved in precinct committees, make sure that the next election brings way more conservatives to power in this country,” Loudon told NTD.

“If America falters, every free country will fall, everyone,” Loudon said. “There is no safe haven now. America is the final stand. If we can return America to its constitutional roots, if we can reorientate this country and put good leadership in the military, revamp the intelligence services, actually start putting traitors in jail—we have to do that—we can become the world leader for freedom again.”

CCP and its tentacles around the world are like organized crime, the mafia, Loudon said, “You don’t contain the mafia, you destroy the mafia. You liberate the people. And we have to make that a national objective.”

“It is our responsibility and our time to stop that. And that is our duty to our children and our grandchildren, and all that come after us. It is our duty to history.”

Jenny Chang contributed to this report.