Videos of the Day: President Donald Trump Handles Coin Toss Before Army-Navy Game

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President Donald Trump was on hand in Philadelphia on Dec. 8, to make the coin toss to begin the annual Army-Navy football game.

The president tossed the coin to decide who would begin the game on offense.

Navy chose tails, the president flipped the coin into the air, and it landed on tails.

Before the toss, there was a moment of silence honoring the memory of former President George H. W. Bush, who died just over a week ago.

Trump Says Chief of Staff John Kelly to Leave at Year’s End

President Donald Trump said on Saturday that chief of staff John Kelly will leave his job by year’s end.

“John Kelly will be leaving… I don’t know if I can say retiring, but he’s a great guy. Uh, John Kelly will be leaving at the end of the year. We‘ll be announcing who will be taking John’s place, it might be on an interim basis. I’ll be announcing that over the next day or two, but John will be leaving at the end of the year,” Trump said.

Trump also said he would nominate four-star Army Gen. Mark Milley to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Mark Milley, he’s a great gentleman, he’s a great patriot, he’s a great soldier, and I look forward to that. ”Trump said.

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Riot in Paris: Armored Trucks, Tear Gas, Smashed Glass

The rumble of armored police trucks and the hiss of tear gas filled central Paris on Saturday, Dec. 8, as French riot police fought to contain thousands of yellow-vested protesters venting their anger against the government in a movement that has grown more violent by the week.

A ring of steel surrounded the president’s Elysee Palace—a key destination for the protesters—as police stationed trucks and reinforced metal barriers throughout the neighborhood.

Demonstrations have been taking places elsewhere in France as well. About 89,000 security forces were deployed across the country, including military, local police, and special police to contain the estimated 125,000 yellow vest protesters.

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‘Avengers: Endgame’ Biggest Trailer Launch With the Most Views in 24 Hours

On Dec.7 Marvel Studios officially released the first trailer of the fourth film in the “Avengers” franchise, “Avengers: Endgame,” and it’s already become the most viewed trailer in history with 289 million views in 24 hours.

The trailer is set up for what happened after the superhero team lost its battle in “Avengers: Infinity War.”

The film will be released on April 26, 2019, in the United States.