Hong Kong Cultural Figures Monitor Violence Against Democracy Protesters

Over 50 Hong Kong artists, musicians, film makers, cartoonists, professors, and writers, including some well-known celebrities, have formed a group to support the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Cultural Figures Monitor Violence Against Democracy Protesters
Leaders of Hong Kong Shield, a group formed by over 50 Hong Kong cultural figures, gave a speech at a rally at Pacific Place in Hong Kong on Oct. 10, 2014. Pictured are (from left to right) singer-songwriter Anthony Wong, Hong Kong film director Shu Kei, unidentified young man, professor at the University of Hong Kong Ho Sik-ying, Cantopop singer Denise Ho, and Hong Kong author Chen Hui. Cai Wenwen/Epoch Times

HONG KONG—Over 50 Hong Kong artists, musicians, film makers, cartoonists, professors, and writers, including some well-known celebrities, have formed a group to support the pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. 

The group titled “Hong Kong Shield” was founded by Hong Kong film director Shu Kei, professor at the University of Hong Kong Ho Sik-ying, Hong Kong author Chen Hui, singer-songwriter Anthony Wong, and Cantopop singer Denise Ho.

They decided to form the group on Oct. 9, after Hong Kong’s chief secretary for administration Carrie Lam abruptly cancelled the talks with protesters scheduled for Oct. 10, blaming the student leaders for undermining the talks. 

Following the cancellation of the talks, tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters gathered at the Pacific Place in Hong Kong on Oct. 10, calling for Leung to step down. 

The leaders of Hong Kong Shield participated in that protest and Mr. Shu Kei read a statement on behalf of the new group condemning the government’s refusal to meet with the protesters and use of violence. 

“Facing peaceful appeals from students and citizens, such violence seriously eroded social civilization,” Shu said, “We witnessed them [the protesters] suffering tangible and intangible violence. We feel extremely angry and grieving.”

“The government canceled the talks scheduled today with a ridiculous reason. The glimmer of hope to solve current predicament is destroyed again under the government’s evasive attitude,” Shu said.

“We are with you all until we reach the goal of genuine universal suffrage,” Shu said. Excited demonstrators gave the speech warm applause. 

Article Quote: Hong Kong Cultural Figures Monitor Violence Against Democracy Protesters

Award-winning Hong Kong film director Adam Wong said during the rally, “We have lots of true hearts to support you to seek democracy—such a simple truth.”

Wong said he was very disappointed when he watched police fire tear gas at protesters on the evening of Sept. 28 through an Internet feed. 

The tear gas didn’t scare the protesters away, but drew more and more citizens to participate in the movement, giving great inspiration and hope, Wong said. 

“I saw hope. I don’t know how the movement is going to develop,” Wong said. “But I believe that our hearts are not dead.”

Many protesters have set up tents to camp overnight for long-term demonstrations in business districts of Hong Kong, including Admiralty, Mong Kok, and Causeway Bay. 

Demonstrators even set up tables as a “study corner” so that students who came to participate in the gatherings after school can do their homework. The protesters in Hong Kong have kept activities organized and streets clean.

With additional research and translation by Lu Chen.