Nevada Gov. Signs Off on State Election With Certificate of Ascertainment for Biden

Nevada Gov. Signs Off on State Election With Certificate of Ascertainment for Biden
An election worker scans mail-in ballots in a file photo. Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Tom Ozimek

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak on Wednesday signed a certificate of ascertainment for a slate of electors for Democrat Joe Biden, a day after the state Supreme Court declared the results final.

The move paves the way for Sisolak to submit the certificate to the federal government, with Nevada’s six presidential electors scheduled to meet on Dec. 14 in the state capital of Carson City.

“I want to thank all the election officials and poll workers who helped facilitate this process in our State,” Sisolak said in a statement. “And I want to thank Nevadans for ensuring they made their voices heard during this election cycle.”

Meanwhile, in Carson City, Judge James Russell set a Dec. 3 evidentiary hearing in a contest-of-election case filed by Trump campaign attorneys.

Jesse Binnall, a lawyer heading the Trump campaign’s effort in Nevada, said he intends to prove that so many fraudulent votes were cast statewide that Trump won the election, not Biden.

A Clark County election worker scans mail-in ballots at the Clark County Election Department in North Las Vegas, Nev., on Nov. 7, 2020. (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
A Clark County election worker scans mail-in ballots at the Clark County Election Department in North Las Vegas, Nev., on Nov. 7, 2020. Ethan Miller/Getty Images
American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp told Fox News on Tuesday that the court’s readiness to hear the Trump campaign’s case regarding alleged voter fraud in Nevada is big news and that he believes that there’s a possibility that the election results will be overturned.

President Donald Trump has signaled he isn’t giving up his fight to contest the election results, writing in a recent tweet: “Just saw the vote tabulations. There is NO WAY Biden got 80,000,000 votes!!! This was 100% RIGGED ELECTION.”

The president said in an earlier statement that his Thanksgiving Day press conference was misinterpreted by media, with many outlets focusing on a statement Trump made that he would leave the White House if the Electoral College votes for Biden, while ignoring his broader claims of voter fraud and ongoing litigation that he believes will deliver a favorable outcome for his presidency.

“I gave a long news conference today after wishing the military a Happy Thanksgiving, & realized once again that the Fake News Media coordinates so that the real message of such a conference never gets out,” Trump wrote in a tweet. “Primary point made was that the 2020 Election was RIGGED, and that I WON!”
At the press conference, Trump was asked about what he will do if the Electoral College elects Biden, to which he replied, “It’s going to be a very hard thing to concede, because we know there was massive fraud.”

“So as to whether or not I can get this apparatus moving this quickly—because time isn’t on our side, everything else is on our side—facts are on our side. This was a massive fraud. It should have never taken place in this country,” he told reporters at the White House.

When asked by a reporter about whether he could concede if the Electoral College votes in favor of Biden, Trump said that “if they do [vote for Biden], they made a mistake because this election was a fraud … So no, I can’t say that at all. I think it’s a possibility.”

Another reporter later asked Trump that if the Electoral College does elect Biden, “are you not going to leave this building?” referring to the White House.

“Certainly I will, and you know that,” the president responded. “But I think that there will be a lot of things happening between now and the 20th of January, a lot of things. Massive fraud has been found.”

Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek
Tom Ozimek is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times. He has a broad background in journalism, deposit insurance, marketing and communications, and adult education.
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