Centuries-Old Well Flows with Milk-Colored Water

Onlookers watched in amazement as a centuries-old well flowed with milky water on May 8.
Centuries-Old Well Flows with Milk-Colored Water
A well with a history dating over a thousand years in southern China’s Guangxi Province flowed with milk-colored water on May 8 as onlookers watched in amazement.

The well, which is little over four feet in diameter and three in depth, is located in Xishan (also known as West Mountain) in the city of Guiping. The milk-like liquid billowed out and spread within the well for approximately one hour before disappearing, according to a report from Taiwan’s Central News Agency.

The scene was recorded by local TV reporters.

According to staff, this also happened in the year 2000 when spring turned into summer. At that time, it was discovered by Master Miaoxing from the ancient temple at Longhua.

The “Xunzhou Fuzhi,” a document written in the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), records that the milk-spring well “does not dry up in winter, nor gush out in summer. The water is as clear as, but sweeter than, the famous dragon well in the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. Sometimes it spills milky white liquid; thus, it gets its name ‘milk spring.’” When the milk spring flows, water billows forth, and this can last as long as two hours.

Analytically, milky white spring water is rich in minerals. Under the light’s reflection, the evaporating spring water displays a milky color.

Another explanation is that granite surrounds the spring, and, along with the weathering process, a white-colored mineral forms on the surface of the ground. Under special weather conditions, these material particles can be suspended in the water, displaying the milky-white color.

Still another explanation holds that the Xishan Buddha is bestowing his blessings—an indication that the weather will be favorable, the region will be prosperous, and the people, at peace.

Guiping Xishan Mountain has been called “the first beautiful mountain in South China.” It is a well-known scenic area, famous for its beautiful trees, rugged rocks, sweet springs, scented tea, and merciful Buddha.

Milk-Spring Well includes a pavilion built in 1917 by Lu Rongting, a military commander in Guangxi during the Qing Dynasty. Sun Yat-sen, founder of the Republic of China, visited Guiping on his trip to Guangzhou by ship in 1921. It is said that he once drank milk-spring water from the well and tasted Xishan tea.

Original Chinese article.