Mayor Suggests Volunteering for New Year’s Resolution

Mayor Micheal R. Bloomberg urged New Yorkers to start the new year by volunteering through NYC Service.
Mayor Suggests Volunteering for New Year’s Resolution
In his weekly radio address on 1010 WINS News Radio on Sunday, Mayor Micheal R. Bloomberg urged New Yorkers to start the new year by volunteering through NYC Service to “not just to make our own lives better, but also to enrich the lives of others.”

NYC Service was founded by the New York City government “to energize and mobilize New Yorkers to give their time and talent to address some of the City’s biggest challenges.”

NYC Service provides a wide range of programs for volunteers, including raising awareness about fighting the flu, painting roofs for non-profit organizations, leading classes in community recreation centers, mentoring young people, and planting new trees.

As for Bloomberg’s own plans: “I intend to spend the first day of 2010 giving some of my time helping prepare meals at an emergency food program in Park Slope, painting a mural at a recreation center in Hunts Point, sorting donated supplies at the Materials for the Arts warehouse in Queens, and helping volunteers on Staten Island box ‘care packages’ going to men and women in our Armed Forces overseas,” he said.

The campaign is part of a national effort to promote volunteerism. In March, President Barack Obama signed the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, which focuses on creating more volunteer opportunities. The Cities of Service coalition, a bi-partisan coalition of mayors, was founded in response to this legislation, and has grown to include 80 mayors that represent over 38 million people.