Mass Effect 4 Awaits a Different Title While Commander Shepard’s Name Gets Voted on BioWare’s Blog

Mass Effect 4 Awaits a Different Title While Commander Shepard’s Name Gets Voted on BioWare’s Blog
Mass Effect 4 could come to the Xbox One and PS4, a report has said. A screenshot of YouTube shows 'Mass Effect 3.' (Youtube)
Kristina Skorbach

As the title of the upcoming Mass Effect franchise is still in the works, the game’s exec Yanick Roy, said the title will be “somewhere in the middle.” Although fans have said that Mass Effect 4 would be a logical and appropriate title, Roy dismissed any speculations saying via Twitter: “Mass Effect doesn’t have a name yet, just a working title that we have used since day 1 of the project.” 

The game is also said to be different from its predecessors as it doesn’t follow the story of Commander Shepard any longer, writes The game is said to be ready for players sometime in 2015. 

The game is also said to have an upcoming movie adaptation from Universal Studios that will come out in theaters in 2016. A potential Mass Effect film was announced four years ago, when BioWare confirmed that the movie would have male Shepard in the lead role. Casey Hudson, producer of the game series, said the film would be “really special,” according to PSU

Mass Effect 4 will also have updated names for its characters, according to the BioWare blog entry titled “What’s in a Name?” Player data was analyzed from the previous game to determine the most popular names for the upcoming Commander Shepard. The most common choices were defaults John and Jane, but for players the top ranking names were Sarah for female and Jack for male.