Maryland Lawmaker Rep. Jamie Raskin Announces Cancer Diagnosis

Maryland Lawmaker Rep. Jamie Raskin Announces Cancer Diagnosis
Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) speaks on the fifth day of former President Donald Trump's second impeachment trial at the U.S. Capitol in Washington on Feb. 13, 2021. via Getty Images
Caden Pearson

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) announced Wednesday he has been diagnosed with cancer and will soon begin four months of treatment.

“After several days of tests, I have been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma, which is a serious but curable form of cancer,” Raskin said in a statement.

The Maryland lawmaker also stated that he is about to begin chemo-immunotherapy and that the prognosis for most people in his situation is “excellent after four months of treatment.”

Raskin said he would undergo outpatient treatment at Med Star Georgetown University Hospital and Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center.

“I expect to be able to work through this period but have been cautioned by my doctors to reduce unnecessary exposure to avoid COVID-19, the flu, and other viruses,” he said.

“With the benefit of early detection and fine doctors, the help of my extraordinary staff, the love of Sarah and our daughters and sons-in-law (actual and to-be) and family and friends, and the support of my beloved constituents and my colleagues in the House, I plan to get through this and, in the meantime, to keep making progress every day in Congress for American democracy,” he added.

Raskin’s health announcement comes a week after he was elected ranking member of the House Oversight Committee for the upcoming Congress. He was the lead impeachment manager in the House Democrats’ second impeachment of former President Donald Trump and was a member of the Jan. 6 select committee.

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