Marvell Weaver: Teen Fails ‘Knockout Game,’ Gets Shot by Intended Victim (+Photos)

Marvell Weaver: Teen Fails ‘Knockout Game,’ Gets Shot by Intended Victim (+Photos)
Zachary Stieber

Marvell Weaver, a 17-year-old Lansing, MI resident, recently failed at the so-called knockout game and got shot and arrested.

The infamous game is where young people try to knock out random people with one punch.

Weaver hopped out of a van with two of his friends, and tried to attack an unidentified man with a taser.

But the taser didn’t work, and the would-be victim was conceal-carrying a .40 caliber pistol, reported WILX.

The man then shot Weaver twice, in the leg and near his spine, and Weaver was later arrested.

Weaver said that the one-year jail sentence he received was getting off easy.

A homeless man is punched as part of the “knockout game” in Chicago. (Screenshot/WILX)

“It was just a lesson learned,” Weaver said. “I wish I hadn’t played the game at all.”

Weaver said that he’s played the game with his friends six or seven times before.

“It wouldn’t be an every day game, just a certain game to be played on certain days,” he said. “You don’t even try to rob them or anything. That’s the game.”

He said they played it because he was dared, and he and his friends were usually high.

Weaver’s Facebook profile shows him drinking with friends, and in one picture he’s holding a shotgun.

On Twitter, he posted earlier in the year that he would “blow your mouth back.”

Regarding the game, Robert Merritt, a police officer in Lansing, said that there’s a price to pay.

“A good example is Marvell Weaver,” he said.

And the man who was almost a victim--who was waiting for his six-year-old daughter to be dropped off from school--said the game is no joke.

If Weaver had succeeded in knocking him out, “My child would’ve been left with the aftermath of seeing her father in any type of way I would’ve been left,” the man said.


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Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]