Manitoba Leads Canada in Charity

For the 12th straight year Manitoba has bested the rest of Canada in its charitable giving.
Manitoba Leads Canada in Charity
[xtypo_dropcap]F[/xtypo_dropcap]or the 12th straight year Manitoba has bested the rest of Canada in its charitable giving.

The province had the highest percentage of total income donated to registered charities and the second highest percentage of tax filers donating to charity, according to a new report on private monetary generosity from the Fraser Institute, a public policy think tank.

Ontario and Prince Edward Island tied as the second most generous Canadian provinces, while Quebec ranked last.

In terms of the average dollar value of charitable donations, Alberta led the country with British Columbia second.

However, Canada falls far behind the United States in terms of giving to charity, the report found. According to the most recent statistics, American tax-filers gave 27.3 percent to charity compared to Canada’s 23.6 percent.

“Charities make indispensable contributions to communities across the country and many are dependent on individual donations. But the level of charitable giving varies greatly across Canada and the United States,” said Charles Lammam, Fraser Institute senior policy analyst and co-author of the report.

“This annual comparison of charitable giving provides insight into our level of generosity by tracking how many Canadians claim charitable donations on their income tax returns and how much they give.”

On a country-wide basis, Americans gave 1.38 per cent of their aggregate personal income to charity, almost double the 0.73 per cent that Canadians donated.

Utah maintained its status as the most generous jurisdiction in North America, with 33.7 per cent of tax filers donating 3.20 per cent of the total income earned in the state.

For perspective, Utah residents gave more than 10 times the share of total income donated by Quebecers and more than three times the share donated by residents of Manitoba.

“Had Canadians matched the generosity of their American neighbours by donating the same percentage of total income, Canadian charities would have received an extra $8 billion in private donations,” Lammam said.

“The notion that Canadians are more generous than Americans is a myth, at least when it come to private monetary charitable giving.”

The Institute’s “Generosity Index” measures and compares monetary generosity in Canada’s 10 provinces and three territories and in the 50 American states and Washington, D.C., on the extent and depth of charitable donations as recorded on personal income tax returns.