Manager Loves Shen Yun: ‘One is taken to a totally different world’

“This show is remarkable and absolutely beautiful,” said Mr. Kaurinovic.
Manager Loves Shen Yun: ‘One is taken to a totally different world’
Mr. Hartmut Kroll, a German architect, and his partner, Ms. Vetterlein, attend Shen Yun Performing Arts in Berlin. The Epoch Times
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ZURICH—Mr. Anto Kaurinovic, one of the service department heads at Porsche, and his wife, Ms. Manuela Kaurinovic, a customer relation’s manager at the Zurich airport, attended the Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s third performance at the Kongresshaus in Zurich on March 23.

Mr. Kaurinovic bought tickets for his best clients and every single one of his customers was amazed at what they saw on stage and enjoyed the show by the New York-based performance group.

Shen Yun specializes in classical Chinese dance, and uses this expressive dance form to show the breadth and history of Chinese culture.

“The show was sensational, so colorful, very impressive and excellent choreography. Everything harmonized. This show is remarkable and absolutely beautiful,” said Mr. Kaurinovic.

His wife joined in the conversation, “I can only agree with what my husband said. The show was just so beautiful. One is taken to a totally different world. We just talked about the show and agreed that such choreography is very difficult and not many are able to do this.”

Talking about the harmonization by the dancers she said, “This takes a lot of rehearsals and discipline. This is what impressed us the most.”

Mr. Kaurinovic continued the same thought, “Basically, it all comes down to teamwork. What we saw is naturally very impressive. They must know each other very well because they have to understand how the others function so they can bring about the perfection we have seen today.”

“One can see that the male and female dancers are passionate about what they are doing. One notices that these artists live for what they are doing and that is where they get their energy from.”

“Just as my wife said before, we moved to a different world and forgot all stresses of daily life for two hours.”

Shen Yun tours with a full-orchestra composed of both Chinese and Western instruments.

There was so much more to take in, and Ms. Kaurinovic said, “I enjoyed the combination of classical instruments as we know it and the Chinese instruments.”

Shen Yun is also known for its beautiful digitally produced backdrops.

“The interaction between backdrop pictures and dancers was an exceptional idea,” referring to the animated pictures on the backdrop when it came to a person flying or supernatural incidences.

Reporting by Rosemarie Fruhauf

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company will next perform in Frankfurt, Germany from March 30-31.

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