Man Who Heckled Ivanka Trump on Plane Confronted by Fox News Reporter

Epoch Newsroom

One of two men who were removed from a JetBlue flight for heckling Ivanka Trump was confronted by a Fox News reporter in Brookyln.

“O'Reilly Factor” correspondent Jesse Watters confronted one of the men outside their apartment during his show, which premiers on Saturday. Watters doesn’t name the person in the segment.

The two men were previously identified as Matthew Lasner and Dan Goldstein.

“You harassed a woman with her baby on a flight. You proud of that?” Watters asks the man. The man doesn’t answer back when the microphone is presented to him.

In the JetBlue incident, it was reported that Goldstein started yelling at Ivanka as he boarded the flight. “Why is she on our flight. She should be flying private,” he said to her, as she kept her children busy. “Your father is ruining the country!” Goldstein also told Ivanka, the future first daughter.

(Fox News video screenshot)
Fox News video screenshot

Lasner posted a photo of Ivanka seated on the plane on Twitter, saying that Goldstein “expressed his displeasure in a calm tone, JetBlue staff overheard, and they kicked us off the plane.”

Since the JetBlue fracas, the two men have been scorned for the act, with a petition gaining more than 60,000 signatures for Lasner to be fired from his job as a professor at Hunter College.