Mainlanders ‘Cannot Wait to Quit the CCP’

This February marked over 50 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations.
Mainlanders ‘Cannot Wait to Quit the CCP’
Protesters rally in Washington, DC, supporting Chinese who have renounced the Chinese Communist Party. The Epoch Times
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HONG KONG—Showing a reporter a name list of over a thousand Chinese tourists, a Quit the Chinese Communist Party Service center volunteer in Hong Kong said, “Now, many Chinese are aware of the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong. When we mention our campaign, they cannot wait to quit the CCP.”

This February marked over 50 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. And just in February, the service center in the Banshan tourist site, Hong Kong, collected over a thousand names of Chinese tourists who have quit the CCP.

Banshan is a famous night view tourist site in Hong Kong. Every day, thousands of mainlanders visit Banshan. Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong set up a truth clarification site at Banshan in 2004. They have since provided free information detailing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Since the publication of the Epoch Times editorial series “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,” they have also helped tourists to quit the CCP and its associated organizations.

Raising Awareness

Volunteer Ms. Zhou indicated that since January 20, the list shows over a thousand Chinese tourists quitting the CCP through the Banshan truth clarification site. Ms. Zhou said, “There were at least 20 people quitting the CCP daily, some days had as many as 90 people. They are people of all backgrounds, from the officials to the general public.”

She added, “There used to be very few who would quit the CCP. Now, everything has changed.” Falun Gong practitioners have all worked quietly and independently to promote the Quit the CCP campaign around the world. More and more mainland tourists become aware of the truth and the persecution.

The editorial series “Nine Commentaries” have further helped people to recognize the evil nature of the CCP. Many people want to quit the CCP wholeheartedly after they read the Nine Commentaries. Many tourists, from the Northeast China particularly, told Ms. Zhou that they have received the Nine Commentaries on DVD and quit the CCP through the help of local Falun Gong practitioners.

Throughout the duration of the interview, one of the volunteers, Ms. Liao, had helped nearly 10 tourists quit the CCP. She said, “Many tourists are shocked at first when they see the persecution photos. But most of them know the evilness of the CCP from past personal experiences. Therefore, once we’ve explained it to them, they would want us to help them quit the CCP right away.”

Of course, there are also those who do not know the truth. The brainwash of the CCP has made it hard for them to accept the truth. “However, as long as you spend time explaining more details, they’ll change quickly.”

For example, several elderly CCP members have quit the CCP after Ms. Liao’s explanation. “Once we mention the Sichuan earthquake and the poisoned milk, they realize the facts right away. I told them that all of the information has been kept secret by the CCP, just like SARS. The world would have known if there was one SARS case in Hong Kong. However, no one even knew when it happened in China. The CCP would not reveal exactly how many people died of SARS. You need to learn to protect yourself. Once they hear this, they want to quit the CCP right away.”

Quitting the CCP Will Set You Free

A frequent visitor of Hong Kong indicated that quitting the CCP would set one free. He said, “Hong Kong is a free land. This is their business and ideal. People are not fools.”

As for why the Falun Gong practitioners have been persistently clarifying the truth at the Banshan tourist site and helping mainlanders quit the CCP—Ms. Zhou indicated that it is because the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP has been going on for many years. They know the evil nature of the CCP and the necessity to help mainlanders recognize this as well, and to quit the CCP for a better future.

Falun Gong practitioners have been using their own resources to print the truth clarification materials. They spend time and put in a lot of effort with the hope that the mainlanders will also cherish the opportunity and learn the truth.

Read original article in Chinese.