Loyal Dog Prevents Suicide: Gun Knocked Away by German Shepherd

Loyal dog prevents suicide: A woman who attempted to commit suicide by shooting herself had her gun knocked away by her dog, a German Shepherd.
Loyal Dog Prevents Suicide: Gun Knocked Away by German Shepherd
Loyal dog: A man prepares his German Shepherd for a competition in Nicaragua in February. Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images

Loyal dog prevents suicide: A woman who attempted to commit suicide by shooting herself had her gun knocked away by her dog, a German Shepherd.

<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1769444" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/161384389-1.jpg" alt="" width="590" height="391"/></a>

A dog belonging to a French woman prevented her from committing suicide by hitting a gun away while she was pointing it at her heart, it was reported this week.

The 63-year-old woman, who was not named, was going to kill herself with a .22-caliber rifle while she was in her garden in the town of Sorgues, located in southern France.

“At the moment she pulled the trigger, her dog jumped on her and diverted the shot,” a police officer told AFP.

He said that the dog, a German Shepherd, “probably sensed things and knocked into her to save her.”

She was later found by her husband, who took her to a hospital. The woman was conscious but suffered from a chest wound, but her injury is said to be non-life threatening.

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Earlier this week in Poland, a dog helped keep a 3-year-old girl warm during freezing temperatures. The girl had disappeared in the small town of Pierzwin overnight.

“For the whole night the animal was with the girl, it never left her. Remember, it was 5 degrees below zero and the child was wet,” a firefighter told the BBC when it was reported this weekend.

And last month, homeless man near Olympia, Washington, placed a note on his dog to seek help for him while he was suffering from an ailment.

According to The Associated Press, a woman found the dog and note, which read, “Send Help. No Joke. Cannot walk.” It also read, “Medicine not working. Need doctor.” Police later were able to track down the homeless man’s encampment.

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