Little Girl Gets Handed Newborn Sibling and Her Displeasure Is Hilarious, Along With Other Babies

Epoch Video

Everybody has one of those cute videos somewhere of their children performing a normally mundane task in some hilarious fashion. In this day and age and with the rise of social media its common for these videos to eventually end up online on Facebook, Instagram or other online portal where they may find a larger audience and sometimes even go viral. Well one productive video uploader has taken it upon himself to stitch together a series of these clips into one compilation for everyone to enjoy and the results are hilarious.

The video includes such childish hilarity as unimpressed siblings, grumpy faces, fights with technology, diva chats on the telephone, and walking on the wall dressed as Spiderman.

In one clip we see a clearly unimpressed girl stare vacantly into space as she is handed her new baby brother or sister to hold. In another clip a different girl is seen staring at the camera aghast as she climbs on a set of weighing scales and sees her own weight.

A further clip shows a grumpy looking baby fail to change his demeanor even as his parents attempt to raise his mood by manipulating his face into various smiles. With each attempt the child’s face immediately snaps back to its previous grimace.

The funniest clip, however, has to be the one showing a boy chastising his family’s Google Home speaker for not listening to him or doing what he wanted it to do. We hear him mutter away for seconds with no response until, as the child finally stops berating it, the speaker finally utters the words, “Looks like there is a problem,” to the child’s dismay.

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