Liberal and NDP MPs Oppose Motion to Cut Governor General’s Salary

Liberal and NDP MPs Oppose Motion to Cut Governor General’s Salary
Gov. Gen. Mary Simon delivers the throne speech in the Senate in Ottawa on Nov. 23, 2021. The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld
Matthew Horwood

Liberal and NDP MPs have opposed a proposed budget amendment that would reduce Gov. Gen. Mary Simon’s funding.

Conservative MP Kelly Block sponsored the motion after accusing Rideau Hall of living extravagantly while Canadians turn to food banks amid cost-of-living pressures, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“One in five Canadians are skipping meals because food is too expensive. Just this week, the food bank in Saskatoon held a food drive as usage is higher than it’s ever been,” Block told the House of Commons government operations committee on May 29.

“Irresponsible spending by the Office of the Governor General has caused outrage. That’s our job, to hold departments accountable, and this is one way we can do it,” she added.

“The governor general has shown a lack of respect for taxpayers, the Canadians she is meant to represent. The job for which she has been tasked has become a means to expense an extravagant lifestyle.”

Block made the remarks during the committee’s debate on “Main Estimates,” a budget document proposing to spend $24.3 million at Rideau Hall in 2023. Block sponsored a motion that called for the appropriation to be reduced by $136,986.

The proposed amount is equivalent to Simon’s charges for 16 months’ worth of clothing expenses. It would also include the in-flight catering she received during a 2022 trip to Dubai, which cost over $100,000.

Block noted Simon is currently paid a salary of $324,173 a year. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the base salary for the position increased from $302,800 per year in 2019 to $342,100 in 2022.

“The governor general’s extravagance is obviously something Canadians find unacceptable and we as members of Parliament must act to curtail this outrageous extravagance,” Block said.

Bloc Québécois MP Julie Vignola supported the motion, calling Simon’s spending “abusive,” and said that if it were up to her, “we could establish a republic that had no governor general.”

Conservative MP Michael Barrett said, “God save the King. That being said, I think the Governor General could save some money.”

Liberal and New Democrat MPs opposed the motion. The committee adjourned debate without voting on the proposed budget cut.

“I would like to learn more,” said NDP MP Gord Johns.

“This is simply a proposal to arbitrarily cut an amount in a budget without having studied this properly,” said Liberal MP Anthony Housefather.