Leaked Israeli Settlement Plan Taken as U.S. Snub

Israeli officials have again announced plans to build new Jewish homes in an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem.
Leaked Israeli Settlement Plan Taken as U.S. Snub
Jewish settlers demonstrate against the United State's policy against the expansion of Jewish settlements at the Gush Etzion junction, a settlement next to the biblical Palestinian town of Bethlehem, on March 20, 2010. Musa Al-Shaer/AFP/Getty Images
Israeli officials have again announced plans to build new Jewish homes in an Arab neighborhood in east Jerusalem—a move opposition politicians say “spits in the eye” of the U.S. government.

The announcement has threatened to throw into disarray a fence-building mission in Washington by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

President Barack Obama was enraged at the beginning of March by the announcement of plans to build 1,600 new Jewish homes in east Jerusalem, timed as it was to coincide with the visit of Vice President Joe Biden to Israel.

The Obama administration is seeking clarification of the latest building plan, said White House spokesman Tommy Vietor.

The U.S. government has been opposed to the plans to build 20 homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood since last year, and believes that settlement expansion in east Jerusalem is detrimental to the Middle East peace process.

Netanyahu traveled to Washington to hold talks with Barack Obama on Tuesday after a month, which has seen relations between the two long-standing allies, reach a new low.

The announcement of the new settlement plan, after weeks of protracted negotiations between U.S. and Israeli officials, and a meeting between Obama and Netanyahu, is likely to be seen as an even greater faux pas.

The timing of the announcement drew fire from opposition politicians in Israel.

“Is this another ‘unfortunate’ mistake? Is this another ’misunderstanding?'” Eitan Cabel, a member of the Labour Party, was quoted as saying by AP.

“Netanyahu decided to spit into Obama’s eye, this time from up close. He and his pyromaniac ministers insist on setting the Middle East ablaze.”

Palestinian officials have refused to enter even indirect negotiations with Israel unless Netanyahu calls a halt to settlement expansion in east Jerusalem.

Later this week Arab delegates will be joined by U.N. officials in Libya to discuss an effort to foster peace talks between Israel and Palestine.

However, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon came down on Israeli officials on Wednesday over the latest announcement to build 20 new homes in what he described as “the heart of an Arab neighborhood.”

“The settlements are illegal,” Ban told reporters after a closed-door session with the Security Council. “This must stop.”

News of the planning approval for the new settlement was leaked on the Jerusalem City Hall Web site minutes prior to a meeting between Netanyahu and Obama on Tuesday night.

A senior aide was quoted by AP as saying that Netanyahu was caught off guard by the announcement.
Peace Now, an Israeli anti-settlement watchdog, said in a statement on its Web site that Netanyahu needed to rein in the discretion of Jerusalem city officials.

“The mayor of the Jerusalem municipality has control over an independent policy that can be devastating in terms of the political process,” the statement said.

“If Netanyahu wants to conduct foreign policy and lead the peace process, he must ensure that the municipality does not surprise him, not with bureaucratic or political decisions contrary to his policy commitments as the head of the government.”