Lawyer Blocked From Meeting With Detained Rights Activists

Lawyer Blocked From Meeting With Detained Rights Activists
Chinese lawyer Mo Shaoping talks to the press outside the No.2 Intermediate People's Court. Goh Chai Hin/AFP/Getty Images

The attorney who is representing detained human rights lawyers Gao Zhisheng and Guo Feixiong has been unable to meet with his clients.

Mo Shaoping, their defending attorney, said that the Public Security Department has no reason to deny attorneys the right to meet with their clients, according to Chinese law.

After receiving authority from Gao’s older brother to represent Gao Zhisheng, Mo applied to the Beijing Public Security Bureau Preliminary Hearing Department on September 19 for a meeting with Gao Zhisheng, and submitted all necessary legal documents.

In accordance with regulations, authorities should respond within 48 hours, but the Beijing Public Security Bureau indicated they needed to investigate the matter to decide whether they were going to handle the case. Mo is waiting for an answer.

Mo is also representing human rights attorney—Guo Feixiong, who has been detained by the Guangzhou Authority with the charge of “illegal business operation.”

On September 20, Mo also submitted an application and all related legal documents to the police for a meeting Guo.

Guo’s wife, Zhang Qing, visited the detention center where Guo was being held to give him his spectacles, books, stationery and some items for his daily needs, but the authorities only allowed the spectacles in.

Huaxia Electronic News
Huaxia Electronic News