LA Rally Eulogizes Dead Chinese Activist Li Wangyang

Demonstrators rallied outside the Chinese Consulate in Los Angeles in recent days to eulogize the death of Li Wangyang.
LA Rally Eulogizes Dead Chinese Activist Li Wangyang
Chinese groups gather outside the Chinese Consulate at Los Angeles to pay homage to Li, on June 11. (Jenny Liu/The Epoch Times)
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Li Yuren, a U.S. immigrant from China, said Li represents the typical grassroots activist in China who pushes for workers rights in a country that has little to none. “The Chinese media do not pay enough attention to people like Li,” Yuren said. “As a result, [people like Li] have endured the worst punishments.”

Wu Renhua, an archivist for the June 4 protests and Tiananmen massacre, has appealed repeatedly to Chinese authorities to redress the persecution suffered by China’s democracy advocates.

Many ordinary citizens who took part in the protests in 1989 have suffered greatly, Wu said.

“Many sentenced to prison terms due to the June 4 incident were regular citizens and workers whose names have been hidden from the outside world,” he said. “In Beijing, more than 100 people received 20-year sentences or longer.”

Chinese Democratic Party member Liao Mingzhong said Chinese people should not hold any illusions about the Chinese Communist Party.

Using a traditional Chinese idiom Liao said: “It is heaven’s will to destroy the CCP, and everyone should step forward and fight for their freedom. Unless the party is dissolved, there will be another June 4 incident.”

More than 2000 citizens were killed during the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

“The CCP,” Liao said, “is on the verge of total collapse. It simply is trying to stay alive for just a little bit longer.”

Read the original Chinese article.

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