Korea Rally Supports 47 Million Quitting Chinese Communist Party

South Koreans expressed their support for the 47 million people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party.
Korea Rally Supports 47 Million Quitting Chinese Communist Party
South Korean Navy vessels anchor at a naval base in Incheon on Jan. 27. Park Ji-Hwan/AFP/Getty Images
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/korea.jpg" alt="Rally marches through Downtown Seoul.  (Jin Guahuan/The Epoch Times)" title="Rally marches through Downtown Seoul.  (Jin Guahuan/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831980"/></a>
Rally marches through Downtown Seoul.  (Jin Guahuan/The Epoch Times)
SEOUL—The South Korean-language Epoch Times and the Service Center for Quitting the Communist Party (CCP) hosted a rally in Seoul on Dec. 21 to support the 47 million people who have withdrawn from the CCP or its affiliated organizations. People from all over South Korea attended the rally.

Korean Epoch Times representative Mr Ree Jun-ho, Korean “Quit the CCP Service Center” representative Jeong Hyeon-su, and Korean Falun Dafa Association representative Wu Shilie delivered speeches.

Rally participants commented that the public’s dissatisfaction with the CCP has reached a boiling point, as evidenced by the large-scale demonstration in Guizhou over the rape and murder of a female student. Further signs of people’s unrest with the present CCP regime were a demonstration in Hunan Province to protest illegal fundraising that hurt investors; demonstrations in Liaoning Province against a pyramid scheme involving ant farmers; protests in November 2008 by those who were forced to relocate in Longnan, Gansu Province; as well as countless examples of ordinary citizens’ foiled attempts to lodge protest with agents at the Office of Letters and Appeal, to assure themselves of their basic civil rights.

Widespread dissatisfaction among the public has thrown the CCP regime into a panic. A rally right now—to support the 47 million people who withdrew from the CCP and its affiliated organizations—is another crucial, noteworthy indication of people’s dissatisfaction with the status quo in mainland China.

Several people expressed their opinions at the rally, such as one Korean national who grew up in China. He commented that the CCP’s demise is imminent, the regime having the murder of too many people on its hands. The regime had branded him a spy and persecuted him in the 1970s during the Cultural Revolution because he had family members who lived in Korea. But he was only one of countless individuals who suffered the same fate during that era. As had so many others, he stated the CCP’s ever-growing greed for power, obtaining it by any means no matter how unscrupulous and unethical, as a reason for the public’s discontent.

Read the Original Article in Chinese: http://epochtimes.com/gb/8/12/23/n2371868.htm