Korean Author Kidnapped and Forced to Become Secret Agent

Qihao Jin, a citizen of South Korea and a Falun Gong practitioner, was kidnapped by the Chinese Communist...
Korean Author Kidnapped and Forced to Become Secret Agent
Mr. and Mrs. Kline in the foyer, after having enjoyed the show (The Epoch Times)
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1831847" title="Qihao Jin shows the media the $500 that the CCP authorities gave him to be a secret agent (Zheng Renquan/ The Epoch Times)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/k.jpg" alt="Qihao Jin shows the media the $500 that the CCP authorities gave him to be a secret agent (Zheng Renquan/ The Epoch Times)" width="320"/></a>
Qihao Jin shows the media the $500 that the CCP authorities gave him to be a secret agent (Zheng Renquan/ The Epoch Times)

Qihao Jin, a citizen of South Korea and a Falun Gong practitioner, was kidnapped by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) while visiting China. Jin was interrogated for four days and then offered money to act as a CCP secret agent. 

The South Korean Falun Dafa Association held a press conference on December 29 at the South Korean Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy to condemn the CCPs violation of international law and human rights and called for attention from the South Korean government on Falun Gong human rights issues. 

South Korean author Qihao Jin (pen-name Zhenghao Jin), traveled to China while he was writing a script for a TV show about General Gao Xianzhi (a former general from the Gaojuli Race of the Tang Dynasty).  On December 16, when he was at the Beijing Airport preparing for departure to South Korea, he was grabbed by CCP agents and dragged into a car, and was disguised with dark glasses.

Jin recalls that the car drove about 30 minutes before he was taken to the Beijing National Security Bureau’s secret interrogating room.  The CCP agents forced Jin to forfeit his rights to communicate with the South Korean Embassy.  

The CCP interrogated Jin for days without allowing him to sleep.  The interrogation topics included Falun Gong activities that Jin had participated in while in South Korea and the personal information of Falun Gong coordinators. 

Two days after he was abducted, his wife reported his disappearance to the South Korean Embassy in Beijing. After her request for help, the South Korean Embassy in Beijing contacted the Beijing National Security Bureau. 

When the CCP was contacted by the South Korean Embassy regarding Jin’s disappearance, the interrogation was stopped temporarily. 

The CCP forced Jin to call his wife in South Korea. During this call, Jin told his wife that he was alright and that she should ask that the South Korean Embassy discontinue their investigation into his disappearance. 

When the South Korean Embassy in Beijing ended its investigation into Jin’s disappearance, the CCP then resumed his interrogation.  Early on the morning of December 20, Jin was again disguised with dark glasses and taken to the airport in a car.  They sent him back to South Korea on the 8:10 am flight.  Upon boarding the flight, the CCP agents paid Jin $500 and told him that he was to be a secret agent for the CCP.  In the four days of Jin’s abduction, he lost 4 kilo and his skin had become dark. 

Upon arriving safely in South Korea, Jin told South Korean authorities that he had been kidnapped and interrogated by CCP agents simply because he practiced Falun Gong.  This criminal action on the part of the CCP clearly demonstrates that the CCP violates international law and human rights, he said. He submitted a statement to the South Korean Foreign Ministry requesting that they investigate the abuse of human rights of Falun Gong practitioners in China, as well as an open letter to the ambassador of the Chinese communist regime condemning the CCP’s “fascist” actions. Jin also made a statement that he would never give up his beliefs in Falun Gong. 

Dr. Wu Shilie, a spokesman for the South Korean Falun Dafa Association, points out that although Jin is a South Korean citizen and fully entitled to protection under international law while traveling in China, he was kidnapped and interrogated by the CCP because of his beliefs in Falun Gong. These actions on the part of the Chinese communist regime clearly demonstrate that China is an especially dangerous place for Falun Gong practitioners living in China.  Wu called for the South Korean government to understand the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and to protect the rights of its citizens while traveling in China.

Read the original article in Chinese