Chinese People Continue to Support Waitress Who Killed Party Official

China’s people continue to show strong support for the waitress who filled a CCP official accused of raping her.
Chinese People Continue to Support Waitress Who Killed Party Official
In a gesture of support, Chinese internet surfers provide free T-Shirts with a photo of Ms. Deng Yujiao. Epoch Times photo archive
Luo Ya

<a><img src="" alt="In a gesture of support, Chinese internet surfers provide free T-Shirts with a photo of Ms. Deng Yujiao. (Epoch Times photo archive)" title="In a gesture of support, Chinese internet surfers provide free T-Shirts with a photo of Ms. Deng Yujiao. (Epoch Times photo archive)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828127"/></a>
In a gesture of support, Chinese internet surfers provide free T-Shirts with a photo of Ms. Deng Yujiao. (Epoch Times photo archive)
China’s media have been ordered to back off in reporting the case involving three Chinese Communist Party officials accused of raping a waitress and how she fought back, killing one of them, but the Chinese people are continuing to show their strong support.

The news of how Ms. Deng Yujiao, an attendant in a Karaoke bar in Badong County in Hubei Province, was assaulted on May 10 by the officials and tried to defend herself has attracted great attention, and sympathy, in China.

A “Concerning Ms Deng Yujiao’s Case and Public Opinion on Internet Forum” was successfully held in Beijing on the afternoon of May 24. Over 30 people attended the forum, including scholars, rights lawyers, legal professors, and journalists

The forum discussed how to support Deng under the current media environment and called for the regime to respect public opinion and handle the case openly and fairly. Forum participants also called for the public to organize various volunteer organizations to support Deng from different aspects, such as Deng Yujia Case Justice Monitoring Group, Deng Yujia Case Lawyer Supporting Group, Deng Yujia Case Internet Surfer Supporting Group, etc.

Mr Zhang Dajun, volunteer coordinator of the newly established Deng Yujia Case Justice Monitoring Group, told Epoch Times it is good the forum made some factors clear.

Another forum participant Mr. Ba Zhongwei said the purpose of establishing the Deng Yujia Case Internet Surfer Supporting Group is to encourage whoever has time and financial capability to visit Deng and her family or help them with something.

Currently, some sources disclosed on the internet, that the regime’s minister of public security has been ordered to charge Deng Yujiao’s case as a murder case. Deng is currently detained, while the two communist cadres involved are still free.

Renowned law professor Zhang Nin also questioned the regime’s handling of the case, “I want to ask, why the other two involved were not arrested, but Deng is, there is an issue of justice. 

Rights lawyer Guo Lianhui suggested to the forum that people should pay attention to details such as: why Deng’s mother had fired the rights lawyers from Beijing who had originally represented Deng Yujiao; why the regime keeps avoiding disclosing the name of the other cadre involved and what his position is —currently people only know his surname is also Deng; and why the regime said Deng’s mother had washed away important evidence after Deng Yujiao’s previous had lawyer brought up the issue of fingerprints or other forensic evidence left on a bra or underpants over ten days after the crime, which evidence should have been kept intact by the local police.

Renowned lawyer Han Yicun commented, “Deng’s case shows the conflict between average people and government has reached a critical point; the two cannot tolerate each other like ice and fire.”

Even though the regime has started to censor the messages and articles related to the case on internet. Many surfers still find many ways to show their support, such as posting banners with the word “grieve” on the BBS and calling for volunteer participation in the June 1 assembly.

On the Taobao Wang, which is an internet trading site in China equivalent to Ebay, some surfer even set up a page to give a T-shirt with Deng’s photo freely to support Deng, however such web page was blocked by the regime swiftly.
Read the original Chinese article