Kids Win Age Group Bowls Competition

Kids Win Age Group Bowls Competition
Seventy youngsters participated in the 5th Age Group lawn bowls competition in two Sundays in July, 2016. Stephanie Worth

HONG KONG—Seventy youngsters participated in the 5th Age Group Lawn Bowls Competition in Hong Kong, which was completed over two Sundays in July, 2016.

The event, which was organised by the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association, was held at the bowling green at Hang Hau Man Kuk Lane Park, Tseung Kwan O. It was played in a three-wood pairs format with no limitation on the combination of gender in each team.

All participants were divided to play against competitors of the same age group in a double round-robin format. The four age groups are 8-11, 12-14, 15-17 and 18-25.

Warren Kwok, Vice President (Development) of the Association explained that the main objective of the event is to provide more opportunities for youngsters to test their skill.

“The number of participants were slightly increased from last year’s 66 so it is a good sign that more youngsters are engaging in our sport.  I hope this trend will continue for the following years,” said Kwok.

Claudius Lam is an officer of the Hong Kong Lawn Bowls Association.