Kid-Trackers: Smartwatch With GPS Made for Tots

The FiLIP smartwatch is durable and only has two buttons on it, made for small children, but it includes GPS and other tracking and communication technology.
Kid-Trackers: Smartwatch With GPS Made for Tots

The safety of children, especially when they are away from home, is a major concern for parents. With all the technologies available today, few communication barriers exist. But when children are too young to use devices such as mobile phones, it may seem a parent is out of options.

To fill this gap, the FiLIP smartwatch has been made just for tiny tots.

The device comes in four vibrant colors and is designed to withstand the harsh usage expected in the hands of little children. Apart from keeping time, it is embedded with global positioning system (GPS), Wi-Fi, and global system for mobile communications (GSM) technologies.

Parents can program a maximum of five numbers into the smartwatch and download the FiLIP app in their iPhone or Android devices. The app helps parents zoom in on the child’s whereabouts at all times. It also comes with geo-fencing technology.

Parents can configure the safe zones frequented by their children and the app will sound the alarm whenever the child enters or exits the prescribed zone.

The device also has a communication and messaging system. Parents can call their children or send texts. The device, with just two buttons, is very practical for young children.

In case of danger, the child can hold onto the emergency button and it will automatically call the first person on the contact list. If there is no response from any of the contacts, the smartwatch will connect the child to the emergency services.

Pricing is yet to be finalized, with manufacturers stating that the cost would not exceed $200. Whereas an expensive smartphone can be susceptible to damage, theft and other hazards, the FiLIP smartwatch provides a relatively risk-free alternative. This could also be the best holiday gift for parents and kids alike.


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*Image depicting missing child via Shutterstock