Keys To Being A Successful Model

Keys To Being A Successful Model
Chris Grasso

Being a model takes a lot of hard work and this is something that many do not realize about the modeling industry. Many think that all you have to do is be a pretty face and modeling jobs will come pouring in. This is actually not true and there are many different things that models have to have covered before jobs come in quickly. It is an ongoing process to be successful in the modeling industry and sometimes does not have anything to do with a look or how easy the model is to work with.

Have a Great Agent

A model’s representation is important as this is the person who gets the hottest jobs and says no to the jobs that could potentially paint the model in a bad light. The modeling industry has a lot to do with the talent that is there but also the connections that an agent has. The process of saying no to jobs without burning bridges is something that a young model should leave up to her agent. Agents very often call in favors to get jobs that get model’s careers off the ground. There are also casting agencies like Bubblegum casting that work with first time models and give them experience that is important.

Keep Your Reputation Clean

There is no way that is quicker to getting turned down by a job than having a bad reputation. This could be a model who goes out and parties while on location leading to her being difficult to work with. Showing up late to gigs is the number one offender as many photographers feel very disrespected and this can lead to a bad reputation for the agent representing the model as well as a bad rep for the model.

Solid Social Media Presence

Social media is important is garnering a following for a specific model. This could be posting favorite pictures from a shoot on Instagram or Twitter. Interacting with followers is a great way to develop a fan base. This will show the model as a person who cares about their fans since they care enough to respond to comments on social media. Having a Facebook fan page and garnering a lot of likes will also show companies who want a model that you already have a following that they can take advantage of if they shoot with you. Keeping a model’s social media presence clean is also important as this model could be representing brands that would not like to see a model swearing or partying on their social media accounts.

As you can see, there is much more to being successful in the modeling industry than just being attractive. These 3 tips are by no means all inclusive when it comes to becoming a successful model by they are a good place to start. Good luck with your career if you are a model reading this!


Chris is a freelance writer who also enjoy going fishing. He enjoys the sunshine and all kinds of outdoor activities. Email Chris at [email protected]