Kelly Nash Reporter Nearly Gets Nailed by Baseball (+Photo)

Kelly Nash reporter: A photo of a sports reporter with a baseball flying past her head has gone viral.
Kelly Nash Reporter Nearly Gets Nailed by Baseball (+Photo)

Kelly Nash reporter: A photo of a sports reporter with a baseball flying past her head has gone viral. 

“Most dangerous selfie ever,” said Nash, a reporter with Sun Sports, said on Instagram. “That happened.”

Nash was taking a picture of herself during Red Sox batting practice.

“Producer Art Dryce had called out ‘heads up!’ a few times while I was taking pictures around the left field section, but none of those balls actually fell close to me, so I took my chances turning my back on batting practice for a picture,” she told Fox Sports Florida.

Nash wanted to show her family members, who are from Massachusetts, that she was working at Fenway Park.

“I laughed pretty hard when I saw such a surreal picture that I had no idea I took,” she said. “I thought, you have got to be kidding me, maybe there ARE really angels in the outfield. I actually brought the movie with me on the trip and had it in my bag at the game.”