Keep Up the Outstanding Work

Keep Up the Outstanding Work
The Epoch Times newspaper. Epoch Times
The Reader's Turn

I was very impressed with the article written by Charlotte Cuthbertson titled ‘Mentors Provide Positive Direction To Young Black Men In Minneapolis.’ Please let her know that Mr. Korey Dean is doing a great job. Nice to read some positive news from Minneapolis. If Charlotte can let me know how to donate to Mr. Dean’s initiative, I would be glad to.

Also, I was impressed with Marcus Green’s article titled Customer Service from the Other Side. Please let him know. I bet the customer service dept at The NY Times gets no complaints, as they are told 24/7 how at great they are. That is until something comes out that is factual.

Keep up the outstanding work. People are starting to get it, and your paper is a big reason for that.

Ronald H. Subscriber 3 weeks

The Reader's Turn
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