U.S. Justice Department Launches Investigation of Flushing Officials

The U.S. Justice Department has started investigating the actions of New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu.
U.S. Justice Department Launches Investigation of Flushing Officials
Several parties in the related to Falun Gong practitioner�s complaint, New York Councilman John Liu (top left); New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu (Top right); New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young (first bottom) Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/flushing_three.jpg" alt="Several parties in the related to Falun Gong practitioner�s complaint, New York Councilman John Liu (top left); New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu (Top right); New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young (first bottom) (Epoch Times)" title="Several parties in the related to Falun Gong practitioner�s complaint, New York Councilman John Liu (top left); New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu (Top right); New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young (first bottom) (Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1833744"/></a>
Several parties in the related to Falun Gong practitioner�s complaint, New York Councilman John Liu (top left); New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu (Top right); New York State Assemblywoman Ellen Young (first bottom) (Epoch Times)

The U.S. Department of Justice has informed Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Wang Wenyi, also an Epoch Times staff member, that an investigation has been started in response to complaints about New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu, New York council member John Liu, and New York Assemblywoman Ellen Young for their roles in the Flushing incident.

On July 16, Ms. Wang and several other Falun Gong practitioners who are Flushing residents filed complaints with the Justice Department’s Civil Right Division and submitted related video and audio tapes as evidence. They requested the Justice Department to conduct an investigation on Peng, Liu, and Young, and to punish those who have participated in the violent assault of Falun Gong practitioners, and to expel them back to China.

Ms. Wang said that after filing the complaint, she received a phone call from the Justice Department inquiring for information regarding the Flushing incident, and was also informed that an investigation had begun into Peng, Young, Liu, and others who had taken part in the Flushing incident.

An Epoch Times reporter called the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Special Investigation Division, and Public Relation Division, to inquire about the case, but was given the same reply, “We cannot comment on a case that is currently under investigation.”

The complaints against New York Chinese Consul General is based on his allegedly instigating and supporting pro-communist Chinese to assault Falun Gong practitioners in Flushing, which constitutes a hate crime.

Ms. Wang said that they submitted a recording of a phone conversation Peng made on May 21, in which Peng admitted that he was present in Flushing to encourage the pro-communist Chinese, including Chinese special agents and prominent leaders of Chinese organizations, to attack Falun Gong practitioners.

 “New York councilman John Liu and assemblywoman Ellen Young are elected officials. They have failed to uphold freedom of religion, the most fundamental rights bestowed by the Constitution, and have instead become accomplices to the Chinese communist regime’s illegal actions of persecuting innocent Falun Gong practitioners and trampling the basic, universal human rights,” said Ms. Wang.

The complaints against the two New York politicians include their rejecting Falun Gong practitioners’ requests to meet with them and their meeting with pro-communist Chinese thugs numerous times officially and unofficially.

The complaints request the Department of Justice to thoroughly investigate the two officials’ relationship with the Chinese communist regime.

Also included in the filed complaints are specific information of several assaults on Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang, Mr. Erh Boon Tiong, Ms. Judy Chen, and Mr. Pan Hongyi, and so on. Some of the assailants have pleaded guilty and some are still being handled by the court.

However, all complaints are handled as individual assaults, which Ms. Wang considered to not be enough. She pointed out that the Flushing incident is the extension of the Chinese communist regime’s genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and anti-human crimes being exported from mainland China to overseas countries, and is in essence a hate crime committed by Chinese special agents and pro-communist Chinese thugs against a religious group. “It is definitely not a single, isolated incident,” she said.

Ms. Wang also pointed out that behind the Flushing incident lies a huge “Red Terrorism” network that the Chinese communist regime has been running in the U.S, which poses a threat to United States’ national security and founding principles. Ms. Wang said that the United States should escalate its security mechanism.

Read original article in Chinese