Jimmy Kimmel Pits Avengers Against US Presidents in History Test


How many Avengers characters can you name? Now, how many American presidents can you name?

Jimmy Kimmel decided to see who was paying attention in history class, compared to perhaps too much time on superheroes, in an April 14 skit called “Avengers v U.S. Presidents.”

“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” took to the Hollywood streets and asked pedestrians to name as many Avenger characters as they could, followed by as many commander-in-chiefs they could recall. Most were able to name a few presidents and and a few Avengers characters—except one young lady who couldn’t name a single Avengers character and one man who named Grover Washington as a former president.

A statue of 'Iron Man', a Marvel Comics superhero, outside an exhibition in La Defense, west of Paris, France, on April 13, 2016. (AFP/ MIGUEL MEDINA)
A statue of 'Iron Man', a Marvel Comics superhero, outside an exhibition in La Defense, west of Paris, France, on April 13, 2016. (AFP/ MIGUEL MEDINA)

One young lady was able to name 20 former presidents. 

Watch the clip above.