Jessica Chambers Murder: Cops and Federal Agents Believe White Gangs Responsible, Report Claims

Jessica Chambers Murder: Cops and Federal Agents Believe White Gangs Responsible, Report Claims
This undated photograph released by the families of Jessica Chambers and her sister Amanda Prince, shows Jessica Chambers taken in Courtland, Miss. AP Photo/Chambers-Prince Families
Zachary Stieber

Several Mississippi law enforcement officials and an ATF agent say that white gangs--not black gangs--were responsible for Jessica Chambers grisly death.

Chambers, 19, was burned alive in her car in late 2014.

Many have been displeased with the response to the death, which has so far failed to turn up suspects.

Now sources tell Got News that white gangs that specialize in dealing meth are behind the murder.

Got News, a blog, is notoriously unreliable but has published correct information ahead of others several times, including the case of the first nurse to contract Ebola in the United States.

The credibility in this case is bolstered by John Cardillo, who coauthored the piece. Cardillo is a former NYPD officer who contributes to The Blaze.

Cardillo says that his sources inside state and federal law enforcement “feel the Panola County Sheriff’s office is suffering from incompetence, fear, and possibly corruption.”

“The investigation is incorrectly focusing on the Black gang community, when it should be focusing on White Supremacist and/or Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs with white power leanings,” he added.

Yellow crime scene tape marks the location where 19-year-old Jessica Chambers was found severely burned, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 in Courtland, Miss. Chambers died Saturday after she was taken to a Memphis hospital with severe burns. Authorities are working to piece together the last hours of her life in efforts to catch who set her on fire. (AP Photo/Adrian Sainz)
Yellow crime scene tape marks the location where 19-year-old Jessica Chambers was found severely burned, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014 in Courtland, Miss. Chambers died Saturday after she was taken to a Memphis hospital with severe burns. Authorities are working to piece together the last hours of her life in efforts to catch who set her on fire. AP Photo/Adrian Sainz


“Setting people on fire has been a common signature of both of the latter groups, and there are cases throughout MS and AL of women both white and black, who were in interracial relationships being assaulted and/or killed in the same way. Those who survived identified White Supremacist types as the assailants,” Cardillo said, noting that ATF sources also back up the new information.

“Like Jessica Chambers, there was no sexual assault or theft of property. Vehicles and valuables were not taken. This indicates messaging. Chambers’ killer or killers were sending a message. Either about her being involved with Black men, or possibly to her family members who have a long history of White gang activity and involvement in the meth trade.”

The potential connection may tie into Chambers family--her father is known for possible meth connections, while Chambers herself may have been using at the time of her death, according to friends.

Zachary Stieber
Zachary Stieber
Senior Reporter
Zachary Stieber is a senior reporter for The Epoch Times based in Maryland. He covers U.S. and world news. Contact Zachary at [email protected]