Iran’s Top Leader Endorses Landmark Nuclear Deal

Iran’s supreme leader on Wednesday endorsed a landmark nuclear deal reached with world powers, but warned the government to be vigilant, saying the United States cannot be trusted
Iran’s Top Leader Endorses Landmark Nuclear Deal
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Sept. 30, 2015. (Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP)
The Associated Press

The agreement has been the subject of fierce debate within Iran, with hard-liners arguing that the negotiators gave up too much ground. They also fear the agreement could lead to a broader rapprochement with the United States, which they still deride as the “Great Satan.”

Khamenei’s expression of support largely resolves the debate in favor of Rouhani’s moderate camp, handing them a major victory ahead of parliamentary elections.

But Khamenei also warned that the agreement “suffers from multiple structural weaknesses and ambiguous points that can lead to present and future great harms to the country in the absence of precise and constant vigilance.” He added that “any remarks saying the structure of sanctions will remain in place are considered a breach” of the agreement.