Iran Says Nuclear Plant Was Sabotaged

Iran’s atomic energy chief on Monday claimed that power lines to the underground Fordow nuclear facility were cut via explosives last month before an International Atomic Energy Agency inspection, saying that “terrorists and saboteurs” may have infiltrated the agency.
Iran Says Nuclear Plant Was Sabotaged

Iran’s atomic energy chief on Monday claimed that power lines to the underground Fordow nuclear facility were cut via explosives last month before an International Atomic Energy Agency inspection, saying that “terrorists and saboteurs” may have infiltrated the agency.

“Power lines running from the city of Qom to the Fordow facility were cut using explosives. It should be reminded that [a] power outage is a way of damaging centrifuge machines,” Fereydoun Abbasi said at an IAEA meeting Monday, according to state-run Press TV.

“In the early hours of the following day, [IAEA] inspectors demanded a snap inspection of the facility,” he continued.

Abbasi did not accuse a specific nation of the sabotage, but in the past, Iran claimed that the United States and Israel have assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists or used computer viruses to infect its facilities.

“Isn’t there any connection between the visit and the blast? Who else could have quick access to the facility other than IAEA inspectors to register and report dysfunctions?” he questioned.

Abbasi said the U.N. should be aware of “terrorists and saboteurs.” 

He also insisted that Iran’s nuclear program is for civilian purposes and will not be used to create nuclear weapons.

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