iPhone Alarm Bug Affects New Year Plans

iPhone alarm bug: Apple says that the problem will resolve itself on Jan. 3.
iPhone Alarm Bug Affects New Year Plans
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/107819603.jpg" alt="iPhone alarm bug: iOS 4 users are affected, according to PC Magazine. (Miguel Medina/AFP/Getty Images)" title="iPhone alarm bug: iOS 4 users are affected, according to PC Magazine. (Miguel Medina/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1810234"/></a>
iPhone alarm bug: iOS 4 users are affected, according to PC Magazine. (Miguel Medina/AFP/Getty Images)
iPhone users, who set one-off alarms in the New Year, have been let down by a bug that causes the feature to fail on Jan. 1 and 2, with increasing numbers of people affected making comments on Twitter .

“Caught by the iPhone alarm clock bug !!” tweeted alanmcg65.

“Nearly missed boat/flight - thankful to internal body clock!!” chrissbell said on Twitter.

Apple says that the problem will resolve itself on Jan. 3.

“We’re aware of an issue related to non repeating alarms set for January 1 or 2,” Apple spokesperson, Natalie Harrison, told MacWorld in a statement.

“Customers can set recurring alarms for those dates, and all alarms will work properly beginning January 3.”

The bug is affecting iOS 4 users, namely versions 4.2.1, 4.1, and 4.0.2 of the OS, according to PC Magazine.

A similar problem with iOS happened a few months ago when alarms did not register daylight saving changes, causing them to ring an hour later than programmed.