iPad 2: Apple to Unveil Highly Anticipated Tablet

Apple is set to announce the highly anticipated launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francsico, US. With the launch being only hours away the rumor mills have been running hot in the tech community.
iPad 2: Apple to Unveil Highly Anticipated Tablet
Apple is set to announce the launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2. Apple

<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/ipad_2_launch.jpg" alt="Apple is set to announce the launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2. (Apple)" title="Apple is set to announce the launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2. (Apple)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1807466"/></a>
Apple is set to announce the launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2. (Apple)
Apple is set to officially announce the highly anticipated launch of the iPad 2 at 10:00am PST on March 2 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francsico, US. With the launch being only hours away the rumor mills have been running hot in the tech community.

The majority of the rumors center around the hardware specifications of the device. According to reports by Engadget the device is anticipated to feature a slimmer form factor with smaller bezel surrounding the screen allowing it to take up more of the devices surface area.

The screen is said by Engadget to have the same resolution as the original iPad, but the processor, memory and storage space are said to be getting an upgrade. The site also speculate that the processor will be Apple’s own A5 and memory will be getting a bump to 512MB.

Engadget say the device could feature at least one front facing camera, with potentially another at the rear.

In addition to reports from Engadget, Cult of Mac recently published a report containing alleged leaks from an anonymous Apple staffer. In terms of news related to hardware, the source didn’t allegedly report anything dramatically different than Engadget; however, they did inform that the device would feature 2 cameras, one on the front and one on the rear, and that the iPad 2 would support FaceTime Video conferencing.

The staffer also told Cult of Mac that Apple is giving its Mobileme application a major overhaul with the service apparently being free, and allowing users to store music and video on the cloud network, Cult of Mac said. The content uploaded didn’t necessarily have to be purchased through iTunes, they said. The staffer didn’t confirm whether the service will be ready to roll out by the time of the imminent iPad 2 announcement.

Despite the new features, the alleged source said that the 2nd generation iPad may not be as dramatic an improvement as the inevitable 3rd iteration, according to Cult of Mac.

“For the iPad 2 don’t get your hopes up too high. That’s all I’m going to say. They’ve had a number of problems along the way, and the third-generation iPad is the one to make a song and a dance about”, the staffer told Cult of Mac.

All of the speculation and rumors are set to be cleared after the official launch event.