Interior Design Chief Art Officer Finds Shen Yun Inspiring

“When the curtain was raised, it was like an electric current went through every cell of mine! The music did an excellent job in creating that effect!”
Interior Design Chief Art Officer Finds Shen Yun Inspiring

CHIAYI, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company’s first performance in Chiayi was held at the Chiayi Performing Arts Center on April 3. After the show, chief art officer of an interior design company, Hsiao Chen-Yuan, and his wife, said they were very inspired, and felt as if a current had gone through their every cell the moment the curtain was raised, revealing China’s glorious civilization. “Very inspiring! Very touching! Every part of the performance was perfect! I was reluctant to leave at the end,” Mr. Hsiao said.

Mr. Hsiao is an architect and a chief art officer of an interior design company. He has considerable attainment in aesthetics and his works are well known in southern Taiwan. Mr. Hsiao was especially amazed by the brilliant colors of the costumes and the backdrop projection. “Brilliant colors, so beautiful! The overall matching effect is fantastic! The costumes in every piece have their own distinguishing features. Very impressive!” he said.

Mr. Hsiao’s wife particularly enjoyed the music being played by the Shen Yun Orchestra, which combines classical Western and traditional Chinese instruments to produce a unique sound, says the company’s website.

“I felt overwhelmed the moment the first piece New Era Begins started. When the curtain was raised, it was like an electric current went through every cell of mine! The music did an excellent job in creating that effect!” said Mr. Hsiao’s wife.

Mr. Hsiao agreed, “Yes, it was inspiring indeed. The orchestra accompanied the artists perfectly. The music comes from both Eastern and Western instruments and the live performance was awesome.”

“Every piece was done with great delicacy. When the handkerchiefs flew in the air during Snowflakes Welcoming Spring, it made me wonder how long and how hard the artists have been practicing. The fast-paced and lively Amei Dance was mesmerizing as well,” Mr. Hsiao said.

The couple could not get enough of Shen Yun’s 5,000 years of Chinese stories and their deep meanings. “I think Chinese culture is the 5,000 years of long history itself. There are many ways to present it and this is worth promoting. Shen Yun is definitely a world class performance and I am honored to be able to see it,” concluded Mr. Hsiao.

Reporting by Dong Hui-Ling and Lin Hsin-Yi.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform in seven cities in Taiwan until April 8 and then continue to top venues in Australia and New Zealand.

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