Intel Panel Finds ‘Important Challenges’ Facing Federal Approach on Hostage-Takings

Intel Panel Finds ‘Important Challenges’ Facing Federal Approach on Hostage-Takings
Edith Blais, who was held as a hostage by Islamist extremists in West Africa, poses for a photo in a park in Candiac, Que., Sept.3, 2021. (The Canadian Press/Graham Hughes)
The Canadian Press

MPs and senators who oversee security and intelligence activities are calling on the government to create a clear framework to respond to terrorist hostage-takings.

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians points out several shortcomings with the current approach in a report on Global Affairs Canada tabled today.

The committee says a new framework should ensure leadership for whole-of-government responses to hostage incidents and provide resources to support operational needs during critical episodes.

The report says while Global Affairs has consistently done some form of lessons-learned exercise following critical incidents, the findings from those exercises were not being implemented.

The committee found many of the same challenges arose repeatedly, including gaps in centralized decision-making and unclear roles and responsibilities.

It says a specialized unit established by Global Affairs in 2009 to develop formal policies, protocols and standard operating procedures had failed to do so.