‘In the state of ecstasy,’ Say Taiwanese After Experiencing Shen Yun

“The orchestra makes miraculous music, especially in the way that the music interacts with the stage movements of the artists.”
‘In the state of ecstasy,’ Say Taiwanese After Experiencing Shen Yun
Shen Yun Performing Arts Touring Company's curtain call at Changhua County's Yuanlin Performance Hall, during its 2013 World Tour. Epoch Times

CHANGHUA, Taiwan—Shen Yun’s first performance in Changhua attracted many theatergoers to the Yuanlin Town Performance Hall on April 1. After seeing the performance, composer and orchestra conductor Lin Yu-Feng exclaimed, “I am intoxicated and in the state of ecstasy!”

During the intermission, Lin went to the orchestra pit to observe. “The members of the orchestra are amazing—everyone of them!“ he said. ”I was paying attention to whether they made mistakes during any of the pieces, but I could not find any.”

“Same with the dancing!” he added. “The music matches so wonderfully with the dancing—flawless!”

In the end, Mr. Lin concluded, “The professional skills of the composers and the arrangers of the music are superb and unmatchable!”

 Singing teacher Chiu Chien-Hsiang agreed with Lin: “It is truly enjoyable! Just by listening to the loud applause anyone would know the quality of the performance is impeccable!”

“The artists did a fantastic job!,“ he added. ”It’s amazing that Shen Yun was able to find so many talented and good looking dancing artists.”

Chung Chih-Ming, owner of Tomcat Music Instruments, accompanied Chiu and Lin to the performance. This was Chung’s sixth time watching Shen Yun. “The main reason that I keep coming back is that I love the overall presentation of the performance. The dancing is accompanied by a live orchestra, and the atmosphere is so vivid.”

Chung works with music instruments so is sensitive to the quality of sounds they make. “The orchestra makes miraculous music, especially in the way that the music interacts with the stage movements of the artists. This is the ultimate kind of ‘visual effect’ that comes with music!”

Watching Shen Yun brought Chung “a sense of success” because he saw first hand how the music brought everything together, from the dancing to the background projection: “I wish to share my love of Shen Yun with my friends, and I hope that one day they will come see it for themselves.”

Read the original Chinese article

Reporting by Tsai-Wen Hwang and Hsin-Yi Lin

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org.

 The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.