Aid Vessel En Route to Gaza Stopped by Israeli Navy

A Greek-registered cargo ship tried to illegally enter waters near Gaza and was intercepted by the Israeli Navy.
Aid Vessel En Route to Gaza Stopped by Israeli Navy
A cargo ship bearing a Greek flag tried to illegally enter waters near Gaza on June 30 and was intercepted by the Israeli Navy.

The ship, the Arion, left Larnaca port in Cyprus on June, 29 with humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip after few days being restricted by the local security authorities. There were 21 passengers aboard the boat from Free Gaza Movement, representing 11 different countries.

The ship’s crew was arrested by the Israeli Navy and escorted to the Israeli port of Ashdod.

According to Israeli Defense Force (IDF), the Israeli Navy told the ship on Tuesday that it was not allowed to enter Gaza as the area is a under a military blockade. The ship disregarded all warnings, and the Israeli navy boarded, took control of the ship and directed it to Israel. According to the IDF, no shots were fired during the boarding of the boat.

Cynthia McKinney, U.S. Green Party 2008 Presidential candidate was on board and she is now in Israeli custody in Ashdod. Another passenger on board was Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire from Ireland whom was active in promoting the peace agreement in Ireland.

According to the IDF, humanitarian goods found on board will be transferred to Gaza Strip, subject to authorization. The IDF declared that humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip can be legally transferred via the established crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip with prior coordination.

Free Gaza Movement reported that the humanitarian aid still on the ship include medical equipment, food supplies, and books, toys, and milk for small children. Building materials to rebuild houses that were destroyed during the “Cast Lead” operation in Gaza were also on board.

“No one could possibly believe that our small boat constitutes any sort of threat to Israel,” said Huwaida Arraf, Free Gaza Movement chairperson. “At no time did we ever approach Israeli waters.”