Human Rights Defender to Sue Regime Leaders for Information Censorship

Human Rights Defender to Sue Regime Leaders for Information Censorship
Kong Qiang works in the Administration of Industry and Commerce in Qufu City, Shandong Province. Photo provided by Kong Qiang

Mainland rights defender Kong Qiang said he planned to sue the Minister of the Public Security and Information Industry during an interview with The Epoch Times on November 21. Kong is the webmaster of a rights website in mainland China and his website has been repeatedly shut down, the last time was on November 20.

His website, the “Chinese Shenzheng” was forcibly shut down over 100 times this year for disclosing the inside stories of the Shanghai faction within the communist regime, which is headed by former president Jiang Zemin. Kong said the website was shut down under the direction of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Information Industry.

Shanghai Gang Destroying the Development of China

Kong Qiang is a 39-year-old government official in the Administration of Industry and Commerce in Qufu City, Shandong Province. He said that the Shanghai faction has committed the most heinous crimes. It is against nation and against humanity. It still continues obstructing and destroying the development of China. He called for the current president, Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao to purge Jiang and his people as it is the wish of all people and the will of the heaven.

Kong told The Epoch Times that his Internet Service Provider (ISP) said, “The website mentioned and reported some overly sensitive political issues, so it was shut down by an Administration in Hangzhou.” The ISP also said they received a notice, saying, “Common people should not report issues such as the struggle between central leaders Hu and Jiang.”

He said that since his website was first set up in July 2005, it has always reported on human rights activities in China, especially the violation of human rights and corruption committed by Jiang Zemin’s faction.

Kong said, “Judging information from all sources, the Shanghai faction exerts pressure on local Public Security Bureaus, Network Supervising Sectors and the Information Sectors. Every time, the website was closed by PSBs the information sectors have never given advance notices about shutting down the website.”

Kong said that he would file a lawsuit against former and present Ministers of Public Security Ministry, Zhou Yongkang and Meng Jianzhu, and the Minister of the Ministry of Information Industry, Wang Xudong.

Guilty of Heinous Crimes

“The gang, Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkang, bring calamity to the country and the people. They are guilty of the most heinous crimes. The crimes they have committed are not only crimes against the nation, but crimes against humanity.” Kong said.

Kong felt excited to know that Jiang Zemin and Zhou Yongkong have been sued in many overseas countries for crimes against humanity. He further stated, “In China, their crimes are all too clear. Not only common people know them, but they are also reported in the records of the Chinese Communist Party.”

Website Shenzheng: