Human Body’s Self-Repair Mechanism Can Help Treat Spike Protein-Induced Brain Injuries: Dr. Paul Marik

Human Body’s Self-Repair Mechanism Can Help Treat Spike Protein-Induced Brain Injuries: Dr. Paul Marik
Dr. Paul Marik in Kissimmee, Fla., on Oct. 14, 2022. (The Epoch Times)
Jan Jekielek
Bill Pan

Spike proteins generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine are causing brain fog and other “profoundly disabling” neurological symptoms in some patients, according to Dr. Paul Marik, a critical care doctor.

“The truth of the matter is that spike protein is probably one of the most toxic compounds that human beings can be exposed to, and its toxicity is through multiple different pathways that we’re just beginning to understand,” Marik said in a recent interview with EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders.”

Marik is a co-founder of Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a nonprofit medical group known for championing the use of ivermectin in treating COVID-19 infection. The group also focuses on developing treatment options for people suffering from “post-vaccine syndromes,” including ridding the spike proteins accumulated in their bodies following vaccination.

The mRNA vaccines work by using coded messenger RNA to instruct muscle cells to produce spike proteins to trigger an immune response. The problem is that lab-assembled mRNA lingers in the human body much longer than the mRNA a patient gets from natural infection, according to Marik.

“The virus that’s [an] actively replicating virus lasts for about five days. After five days, the messenger RNA, which the virus uses to make all this protein, is destroyed by the body,” he told host Jan Jekielek. “If you’re immune-competent, within five days, the messenger RNA is gone, and you’re body does not continue to make new spike protein.

“When you inject the synthetic, artificially manufactured mRNA, it doesn’t stay in the arm. It actually circulates and goes to lymph nodes and organs.”

Marik also noted that one study found injected mRNA in the body for as long as 60 days.

“What that means is that if this [artificial] messenger RNA is making spike protein, the bottom line is, that it’s a load of spike protein,” he said, comparing spike proteins to cyanide, which isn’t necessarily harmful in small amounts but can be lethal when it accumulates to significant levels.

Neurological Harm

The spike protein associated with COVID-19 affects so many organ systems that physicians struggle to diagnose patients who suffer from vaccine injuries, according to Marik.

“These patients have such diverse symptoms that really don’t fit in with a pattern that [physicians have] been taught,” he said.

“Almost always, they say: ‘Well, this is stress. This is anxiety. This is a functional disorder. This is in your head. This isn’t real.’

“But it is real. It’s just because of spike going to every organ system, and every organ system is involved.”

The brain appears to be particularly vulnerable, according to Marik. This could explain why so many vaccinated people have reported neurologic symptoms.

“The mRNA is placed in a lipid nanoparticle. The lipid nanoparticle is actually designed to deliver chemotherapy to the brain,” he said. “So it crosses the blood-brain barrier.

“More than 80 percent of post-vaccine patients have neurological symptoms. It’s a very characteristic finding. The neurological symptoms are brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, and memory dysfunction, which is very disabling to most people—If you can’t think, you lose your ability to remember things.”

There are also many vaccinated people experiencing tinnitus, or constant ringing in their ears.

“Many actually considered suicide because it’s such a troubling symptom,” Marik said.

An even more “profoundly disabling” symptom, according to Marik, is small-nerve neuropathy, a nerve disorder characterized by severe pain attacks that typically begin in a patient’s feet or hands.

“It seems to be a classic feature of spike protein-induced disease, particularly with a vaccine,” he said. “[The patients] get small-fiber neuropathy, which is profoundly disabling because the small fibers are involved in pain sensation.

“They complain that their limbs are on fire. They have severe burning itching. If you ask a vaccine-injured patient if there’s one symptom that they would want to get rid of, what’s the most troubling? Without question, it’s the small-fiber neuropathy.”

Post-Vaccination Treatment: The Power of Self-Repair

When asked about recovering from COVID-19 or vaccine injuries, Marik said the foremost step is to get early treatment or not get another vaccine dose.

“The first thing is avoid being spiked. If you’ve been vaccinated, don’t get boosters,” the doctor said. “Secondly, if you get COVID, you want to be treated early, because the longer you are allowed to linger, the more spike protein.”

Marik further warned that those who wish to get rid of spike proteins should be careful of products that claim to be able to detoxify the body. Instead, he recommends relying on the body’s own cellular degradation mechanism.

“There is no such thing as detoxification potions or devices. What you need to do is help the body get rid of the spikes,” he said, pointing to autophagy, a process that occurs within cells, whereby components that are deemed damaged, toxic, or obsolete get degraded and recycled to release energy and maintain balance.

“It’s the garbage disposal system: It collects the garbage and then puts the garbage through this garbage slicing machine and trashes the garbage. It’s an ingenious system,” Marik said. “It’s how the cell deals with these toxic proteins. What you want to really do is embrace it and enhance the ability of the cell to break down these proteins.”

To better take advantage of this natural self-repairing capability, Marik suggested that patients practice a method called “intermittent fasting,” also known as “time-related feeding.”

“The most potent method of activating autophagy is called intermittent fasting, because we have this biological switch called the mTOR switch,” he said. “Whenever you eat, you switch off autophagy through the mTOR pathway. Glucose and insulin proteins switch off this process. However, when you deprive the cell of glucose and protein, it switches on autophagy, and it breaks down protein.”

Marik also highlighted the importance of sleep as well as not eating before going to sleep.

“Sleep is really important for brain regeneration, clearing out all the metabolic products and allowing all these synapses to regenerate,” he said, noting that eating before going to sleep not only switches off autophagy but also disrupts the brain’s glymphatic system that washes out metabolic byproducts.

“If you eat before you go to sleep, you limit autophagy and this glymphatic flow,” Marik said.

“It’s essential that people change the diet. You can eat within a six-to-eight-hour window. And then the rest of the time, you don’t eat.

“We have enormous, enormous potential of self-repair. What we really want to do is to embrace the ability of the body to heal itself. We want to enhance that ability.”

Jan Jekielek is a senior editor with The Epoch Times, host of the show “American Thought Leaders” and co-host of “FALLOUT” with Dr. Robert Malone and “Kash’s Corner” with Kash Patel. Jan’s career has spanned academia, international human rights work, and now for almost two decades, media. He has interviewed nearly a thousand thought leaders on camera, and specializes in long-form discussions challenging the grand narratives of our time. He’s also an award-winning documentary filmmaker, producing “The Unseen Crisis: Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told,” “DeSantis: Florida vs. Lockdowns,” and “Finding Manny.”
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