Hulk Hogan Sues Cocoa Pebbles Manufacturer Post Cereal

Hulk Hogan is suing Post Cereal for the use of an animated character resembling Hogan in a TV ad for Cocoa Pebbles cereal.
Hulk Hogan Sues Cocoa Pebbles Manufacturer Post Cereal
Kristina Skorbach
[youtube]XFD7Rp3btI8[/youtube] Cocoa Smashdown commercialHulk Hogan is suing Post Cereal for the use of an animated character resembling Hogan in a TV ad for Cocoa Pebbles cereal.

The Cocoa Smashdown ad in question starts off in a wrestling ring with Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble facing off with the Hogan lookalike. The commercial describes the character, who sports long blond hair and a blond mustache, as “Hulk Boulder.” Hulk Hogan actually wrestled under the name Hulk Boulder back in the 70’s until wrestling promoter Vince McMahon suggested he change it to Hogan.

After Boulder makes short work of the Flintstone and Rubble pair, he extracts a bowl of Post Cocoa Pebbles cereal from what appears to be his championship belt. Originally refereeing the match, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, Flintstone and Rubble’s respective cartoon daughter and son, switch roles as Bam-Bam proceeds to flatten Boulder, tossing him into the air, only to have him land and crumble into little pieces.

“Hulk Boulder is shown humiliated and cracked into pieces with broken teeth, with the closing banner ‘Little Pieces...BIG TASTE!’,” read’s Hulk Hogan’s complaint against Post Cereal.

The complaint, filed with the Middle District court of Florida, Tampa Division, says that Post Cereals did not consult with Terry Bollea (Hulk Hogan’s legal name) about the commercial, and is using his likeness without his consent.

The commercial kept running after Hogan originally objected to it in August 2009.
Kristina Skorbach
Kristina Skorbach
Kristina Skorbach is a Canadian correspondent based in New York City covering entertainment news.