How You Know It’s Time To Outsource Your Marketing: A Guide For Small Biz Owners

How You Know It’s Time To Outsource Your Marketing: A Guide For Small Biz Owners
Deborah Asseraf

You need to redesign your website.
Are you utilizing social media correctly?
Let’s talk SEO, PPCs, and impressions.

Though these are the three most common things digital marketers will tell you, it is NOT why you should be considering outsourcing your marketing.

NOTE: This article is intended for small business owners only, and is written solely in that perspective.

500 Impressions Or 500 Ideal Customers? Let’s get real - most of the stuff happening online is cool and can really help with your brand visibility, but when you are running a small business, there’s only one thought ringing in your head: How do I make more money?! And, though it might make you feel better that 500 people “liked” your blog post, wouldn’t it be better if 500 ideal customers were trying to schedule a consultation with you?

Reason #1 To Outsource Marketing If You Are a Small Business Owner: To Make More Money! And, let’s be clear about this: I said money. Tangible dollars. Not likes, tweets, impressions, or leads that never close. You want to outsource your marketing to someone who understands that small business owners operate in the real world, with real money - not bitcoins.

Website Redesign Or Crafting Programs That Sell? Here’s the thing to understand about websites today: they act as your online resume. So, if you have a horrible out-of-date website, then you should probably consider updating it as you would your resume. Oh, and make sure it’s mobile-friendly so that Google still loves you. However, if you already have a website that meets this criteria (doesn’t matter how simple it is), please don’t waste your money doing it over again. Websites are not stores; just because you open one doesn’t mean clients are going to line up.

Reason #2 To Outsource Marketing If You Are a Small Business Owner: To Help You Craft Packages Or Offers That Sell. If people aren’t buying from you, odds are it’s not because of your website. Understanding what makes buyers react is a tedious study, and it could be a whole range of issues that’s keeping your clients from purchasing. One of the most common issues small business owners face, however, is offering run-of-the-mill services that don’t distinguish them from their competitors. If you think this is you, then consider hiring a marketing company that will help craft offers and programs that will better sell your services or products.

1,000 Conversations With Strangers Or 100 Targeted Meetings? Most small business owners all have one thing in common: they are obsessed with growing their business, but have zero time to implement any of the cool ideas they or their team have. So, let me ask you, what would you rather focus your energy on: having conversations with strangers, or booking 100 meetings with ideal clients, referral sources, and strategy partners? It’s all about prioritizing.

Reason #3 To Outsource Marketing If You Are a Small Business Owner: Create Hyper-Targeted Campaigns That Result In 1-On-1 Interactions Within Your Target Market. Make sure that the marketing company you hire has done this in the past and understands how to market to your hyper-local community. And, it’s important that the firm you work with also offers implementation, so that your valuable time isn’t spent trying to fulfill another task you don’t have time for.

Curious about outsourcing your hyper-local marketing? Popcorn Productions is one of the first experiential marketing companies for small to mid-sized businesses creating hyper-local campaigns that result in an increase of referrals and business reputations. For more info, email us at [email protected].

Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf
Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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