How To Use Twitter Creatively

How To Use Twitter Creatively
Ann Smarty

Here are just a few ways in which you can get more creative with Twitter.

Run a Tweetchat

Twitter chat

What is better than connecting with another human being through Twitter? Connecting with a bunch of them. You can run a full Twitter chat, effectively turning your feed into a live chatroom where the tweets are archived.

Just select a program such as TwChat, let your followers know the time, date and topic, and create a hashtag for them to use. Every time they tweet during that time they can use the hashtag, and use TwChat to monitor that hashtag to create a conversation they can scroll through, read and follow. Many blogs and organizations alike use tweetchats to better engage followers.

Find (Or Give) Writing Prompts

There is actually a really large population of both professional and amateur writers on Twitter who love to interact with one another. One way in which they do so is by challenging one another to writing prompts. Not only is this a great way to connect with others in your industry, but it is a super simple way to improve your own skills and stretch your thinking. Being taken out of your comfort zone is one of the best things a writer can do.

Avoid Traffic Problems

Twitter Traffic Services

You can actually use Twitter to avoid traffic in your area. Some cities have accounts from traffic services, such as UDOT in SLC, Utah, WTOP Traffic in Washington, DC. You can both follow these accounts, and check them before you take to the road to ensure you never have to sit in traffic jams again. Well, OK, maybe thee information won’t be that helpful, but you can at least find an alternative route, or two.

Join a Community

Twitter has communities for just about everything, loosely affiliated using hashtags and keywords, but still interacting. From vegans to artists to science fiction and comic junkies, you can find anything with nothing more than a simple search. Because Twitter is almost entirely open, you can meet people all over the world who share your interests.

Start Using Your Kitchen

Are you hopeless in the kitchen? Awesome, but haven’t had enough time lately to show off your mad cooking skills? Either way - or somewhere in between - you can use Twitter to find recipes, learn helpful tips to make your cooking more efficient, and a lot more.

One great hashtag to check out is #MeatlessMondays, where people share what meatless dish they are preparing once a week. Some do it for health, some do it for environmental or cruelty reasons. Either way, you can get some delicious meal ideas.

Watch Your Budget

@YNAB Twitter

Learn to create a budget, manage it, and get encouragement from others who are seeking to stop living paycheck to paycheck or build a real nest egg for the future. Twitter is full of tips, such as from accounts like @YNAB. Also check out hashtags like #MoneyManagement, #savingmoney or #frugal.

Create an Interactive Resume

Want to catch the eye of that perfect employer for that dream job? In many industries, having a Twitter account and showing you know how to use it can land you the best position of your life. If you are involved in technology, marketing or anything similar, it is especially beneficial to show you know how to market yourself and your skills. But it can apply to anything, as can wider social media that uses Twitter as a hub for communication, like a blog. You can show that you are an authority, and make a name for yourself.

Lose Weight and Get Fit

The weight loss and fitness communities on Twitter is huge, with hundreds of thousands of tweets discussing it on the regular. You can do a search for any related hashtag to your own concern and come across this active and friendly community just waiting to help you reach your goals. It is also a great way to keep on track, posting what you have eaten, what exercise you have done, and when you have reached scale and non-scale victories.

Do you know of any creative ways to use Twitter? We bet you do. Let us know in the comments.

Image Credit: twitter.

Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty
Ann Smarty is the serial guest blogger, founder of My Blog Guest and co-founder of Viral Content Buzz . Ann is also a proud member of Internet Marketing Ninjas team writing weekly at IMN blog and promoting their brand.