How To Overcome The Three Most Common Sales Objections

How To Overcome The Three Most Common Sales Objections
Deborah Asseraf

We’ve all heard them before: I don’t have the money, I have to ask my wife/husband, I don’t have the time. These are the top three objects any service provider is going to face. And, as predictable as they are, they can still cause you to get flustered when they pop up in conversation. So how do you let these objections just be part of the conversation instead of a roadblock to your sale? 

I don’t have the money. This is probably the most common objection you will ever face. And, although it’s true that some might not have enough money for your services, most are saying: I don’t want to spend that much on your services. The money conversation is one that needs to be treated seriously and with integrity. There are two ways of approaching this conversation. The first method is to dive back into the solutions and benefits you provide in order for the prospect to fully understand the value you deliver. The second strategy entails digging a little deeper. “Now, is it that you don’t have money in general or you don’t have money for this?” Walk through the finances with them and see if there is a way to work out a payment plan. If the “I don’t have money” objection is valid then prospects will appreciate you helping them and being more lenient about your payment method. Don’t, however, let them finish the conversation on an objection as this helps neither you nor them.

I have to ask my wife/husband. You spent over forty-five minutes on the phone identifying that this prospect is someone that you can help, you walked them through the benefits of your service and got them excited about finding solutions for their problem, and finished with pricing which didn’t get a full objection. And then, all of a sudden, you hear: “Ok, well I really need to speak to wife/husband about this”. Now, there is nothing wrong with them seeking internal guidance on a purchase but you know, as a sales person, that letting them get off the phone without closing the sale means you probably will never hear from them again. The solution, thankfully, is simple. Give your prospects a clear 24-48 hour window with an added incentive by which they need to give you an answer. So for example, you might say something like this: “No problem, I completely understand. Why don’t you give me your email and I will be sure to send you all the information we discussed so you can share it with your spouse. Also, because I really feel that you could benefit from the [insert program/service/package] I am going to include a quick action bonus. If you confirm with me within the next 24 hours then I will give you [include free incentive], which will also help [list 3 benefits] to make sure you [list top solution they are looking for]. How does that sound?“ Not to be vulgar, but it sounds just like a cash register closing a sale. 

I don’t have the time.  Now this objection is very common and is tricky because it comes in many different forms. It can show up from “I’m not sure if the timing is right” to “I’m not sure I can fit this in my schedule” to “I want to have other things done in order before I focus on this.” Either way, the theme of perfect timing is prominent and here is what your prospect needs to learn: there is no such thing as perfect timing. Life is always busy and things will always be in the way. So, how to you suggest this without being rude? It’s important to first get to the root of why they want your service. Knowing this will allow you to leverage desire for change, which is much bigger than their fear of imperfect timing. Start by having an honest conversation with them around the problem that has brought them to you. How long have they been struggling? How badly do they want to change their current situation? Can they imagine a life when this problem was no longer part of their day-to-day? Then, start to suggest how timing is only what you make of it. And, if they want this bad enough then they will figure a way to make it work. I’ve personally had a client who was single mom and juggled a full time job along with her three month old baby, and never once did she complain about her schedule. People are able to make it work. The key is making them want it to work. 

What objections do you face in your line of work? Tell us below and we'll give you strategies to overcome them or email us at [email protected].

Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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