How Playing Sports Can Help Grow Your Business

How Playing Sports Can Help Grow Your Business
Deborah Asseraf

Recently, I attended a networking event that decided to get cute with introductions. They asked guests to say their names, what they do and a fun fact about themselves. I was total stumped. Working 16 hours a day leaves few hours left for more than chores, eating and sleeping. Panicked, when my turn came around the only fun fact I could muster was: I love to snorkel. Well, it turned out the President of the networking event was a master diver. We bonded over fish, coral and eels for about 20 minutes before he offered to connect me with a good friend of his who needed my services.


Lesson of the day? Don’t forget to have a life outside of work.


Since men started carrying briefcases (and even before), sports have always held a special space within work-life relationships.  They are commonly used as a way to vet the rookies, sway new clients, build relationships and meet the boss. And, even if you are an entrepreneur who doesn’t expect to be invited to go golf with CEOs and executives, sports are a great way to spur a conversation outside of your regular “So, what do you do?”


In fact, according to Statistic Brain adults who partook in exercise 2-3 times a week were more like to be more productive at work, build lasting business relationships and be better at time management. Turns out the shooting hoops or running isn’t just great for your health but can also bring more business and help build relationships with referral partners or JVs.


Now, I’m a woman so I also have to look at this from a female’s perspective too. I personally have terrible hand-eye coordination and couldn’t through a football correctly if Brad Pitt asked me himself. So, what then?


Well, you can always turn to what is called “neutral” sports and are enjoyed almost equally by both men and women. These sports include, surfing, swimming, hiking, running and water skiing. If, however, your business caters only to women you might want to start taking yoga, aerobics or dancing classes. And, if you are targeting men then you will want to learn how to cycle or play football, basketball, soccer or golf.


Challenge yourself to join a local team or train for a competition or marathon. It’s incredible the way in which sports can help open your horizon outside of just work and meet new people.


Me personally, I just signed up for the 5K Color run in Brooklyn on July 5th. Anyone want to join me?


Have a story on how playing a sport has helped your business or want to join my team? I would love to hear from you! Email me at [email protected]






Deborah Asseraf is founder & CEO of Popcorn Productions, a company that explodes awareness for businesses through tailored campaigns. Popcorn Productions produces exclusive events, video products and specialty products aimed at spreading the word through interactive environments. Loving every minute of being an Entrepreneur, Deborah started the Social Pulse, a blog devoted to addressing important, fun and educational issues for and about entrepreneurs, business owners and the buisiness savvy.
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