How Many Phones Does Apple Sell in a Weekend?

How Many Phones Does Apple Sell in a Weekend?
iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus Courtesy of Apple; effects added by Epoch Times
iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus (Courtesy of Apple; effects added by Epoch Times)
iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus Courtesy of Apple; effects added by Epoch Times

The Apple iPhone is probably the most popular phone ever, it creates such urges within people once a new one is released, almost a compulsion to buy one. No other phone ever has created such irrational mass purchasing. One could say there was witchcraft involved, I'd go with years of clever marketing myself.

Either way Apple are doing something right and the latest two iPhones are no different, they are popular. In fact in the three days since the phones were released Apple sold 10 million of the things. Yes 10 million in three days.

Which is a new record for them, maybe they’ve got a new Shamen, or maybe it’s people buying both sizes to try them out and using the no quibble Apple returns policy to send one back after a few days. Yes I actually know someone who has done that.

Tim Cook the Apple CEO had the following to say about it all.

Sales for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus exceeded our expectations for the launch weekend, and we couldn’t be happier. We would like to thank all of our customers for making this our best launch ever, shattering all previous sell-through records by a large margin. While our team managed the manufacturing ramp better than ever before, we could have sold many more iPhones with greater supply and we are working hard to fill orders as quickly as possible.”

So what’s left to say, hats off to Apple for another successful launch. I’m hoping to lay my hands on the new models soon, just to see what all the fuss is about.