Hosni Mubarak to Make Announcement Amid Resignation Rumors

Hosni Mubarak, the embattled president of Egypt, is rumored to be stepping down from his position and will make an announcement later Thursday.
Hosni Mubarak to Make Announcement Amid Resignation Rumors
Egyptian anti-government demonstrators chant slogans as tens of thousands gather at Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 10, 2011 amid rumors that embattled President Hosni Mubarak appeared to be on the brink of stepping down. Pedro Ugarte/AFP/Getty Images
<a><img class="size-medium wp-image-1808539" title="Egyptian anti-government demonstrators chant slogans as tens of thousands gather at Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 10, 2011 amid rumors that embattled President Hosni Mubarak appeared to be on the brink of stepping down. (Pedro Ugarte/AFP/Getty Images)" src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/108970824.jpg" alt="Egyptian anti-government demonstrators chant slogans as tens of thousands gather at Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 10, 2011 amid rumors that embattled President Hosni Mubarak appeared to be on the brink of stepping down. (Pedro Ugarte/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320"/></a>
Egyptian anti-government demonstrators chant slogans as tens of thousands gather at Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 10, 2011 amid rumors that embattled President Hosni Mubarak appeared to be on the brink of stepping down. (Pedro Ugarte/AFP/Getty Images)

Rumors are flying that any minute Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak might step down any minute. Mubarak is expected to speak on national television at 8.30 p.m., local time, Thursday night.

CIA chief Leon Panetta told the congressional intelligence hearing today, “I’ve received reports that, possibly, Mubarak might do that.” However Panetta said he could not confirm those reports.

Hossan Badrawi, secretary general of Mubarak’s National Democratic Party (NDP), said he was hoping Mubarak would transfer power to Vice-President Omar Suleiman as he thinks that is the right thing to do, according to the BBC.

Other media refer to Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq having confirmed the move to step down, such as Iranian Press TV.

Al Masry Al Youm, a privately held Egyptian newspaper, reported today that some senior NDP officials have quit the party.

The Egyptian army is continuously in a meeting to watch the events as they unfold, reported official Egyptian news agency Mena, according to the BBC.

Since Jan. 25, Egyptians have been continuously demonstrating and demanding Mubarak’s immediate resignation followed by free and fair elections.

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