‘Hoping that Shen Yun Can Perform in China’

Sophie said that many traditional Chinese values and culture can be seen in Shen Yun’s performance.
‘Hoping that Shen Yun Can Perform in China’

DETROIT—Ms. Sophie, who immigrated from Northern China, watch Shen Yun perform in Detroit with her husband and daughter on Jan. 26.

Sophie said that many traditional Chinese values and culture can be seen in Shen Yun’s performance. As she was speaking, she began to choke up: “I was touched, to be able to see a performance of traditional Chinese culture in the West. I thought ... Chinese people in America, seeing traditional things from China. It is very touching.”

“It is very rare to have such pure Chinese culture, such as Shen Yun ... without any gimmicks, without any flamboyant designs. It is simply a pure performance of culture. In China, cultural performances all have different things mingled into it. It is not pure; there is less and less [pure culture]. If Shen Yun can go to Mainland China, it will be magnificent,” Ms. Sophie said.

She also said: “During the intermission, I saw a girl from China calling her friends, telling them that when she was watching Shen Yun. She cried. It was very touching.”

‘An Invigorating Performance’

Karen, who was dressed in a qipao, also immigrated from China. She watched the show with her boyfriend from a Western country. “This is the most outstanding Chinese cultural performance I have seen in my life. I am very grateful for the [Shen Yun] performance.”

“After watching Shen Yun, I feel energized,” she said.

‘Nothing like Shen Yun in China’

Li Xin (an alias) just immigrated from Shandong to America a year ago. She saw the performance with her husband last year, and together they came again this year. Li stated that she truly enjoyed it.

Shen Yun’s “costumes and colors are such that you can’t see them in China today. The colors are very beautiful.” She also said: “Shen Yun’s performance is very traditional; you cannot see it in China anymore.”

She mentioned that some of the dances were about how Falun Gong practitioners have stood firm in their beliefs even under the CCP’s persecution. Falun Gong, a spiritual group, has been persecuted in since 1999.

Li Xin said that she has many relatives who have endured similar persecution, but they have now immigrated to America, where they can freely practice Falun Gong.

Shen Yun Makes Her Proud of Her Heritage

Ms. Liu is a Chinese engineer living in Detroit. “I am ecstatic to see our traditional dances being shown around the world. Such grandeur in style, such excellence in technology—I am hoping that I can bring my mother along next time,” she said.

“Seeing so many Americans and people of other nationalities loving our culture, I am so proud,” she added.

Seeing so many young artists in the performance, she said that “I am very surprised. It is great seeing so many young people promoting our culture. I am delighted.”

Ms. Liu was very happy that the official sponsor, Michigan’s Falun Dafa Association, has brought the show to the area.

Erhu virtuoso: Bringing Back Memories of My Homeland

Ms. Wei from China is a erhu virtuoso. During her interview with the reporter, she said “I love the performance. It makes me homesick.”

“The performance is great, and the reputation of the performance has preceded itself. For a long time I have wanted to come, but I didn’t make it. A good friend of mine who also lives in the U.S. told me the show was great last year after watching it. So, here I am.”

Chinese lawyer: Hoping China Will be Under the Grace of God

Wu Zhaohui is a lawyer from China who has arrived in the U.S. just 4 months ago. Today she brought along family and friends, a total of nine people, to see Shen Yun perform on the afternoon of Jan. 26.

“I have never seen such an exquisite performance. Throughout the show, tears just kept coming down my cheeks. I am speechless for at how excited and joyful I am,” she said.

As a lawyer, Ms. Wu is fully aware of the evil nature of the Communist regime because she has experienced it first hand in real life. Seeing the program showing the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, she was deeply touched.

Though it was performers who acted out the persecution on stage, in reality, it has accurately portrayed the situation in China. Seeing the last program Divine Mercy, she said, was just like the prophecy, adding her “Hope that China will be under the grace of Gods.”

Read original Chinese article. 

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. For more information, visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org

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