Hi-Tech Exam Scams Crackdown in China

Chinese police caught 22 people selling hi-tech cheating devices before the nation’s annual college entrance exam.
Hi-Tech Exam Scams Crackdown in China
Chinese police caught 22 people involved in the production and sale of hi-tech cheating devices before the country’s annual college entrance examination, held from June 7 to June 9.

According to a Beijing News report from June 5, the Ministry of Education said police have found four cases nationwide and caught 22 people involved in the production and sale of cheating devices to be used during the exams over the past weeks.

Police in northeastern Jilin Province late last month raided two gangs accused of selling cheating equipment and promoting their devices by posting advertisements outside schools.

The police seized 500 sets of taping and photographic equipment and 100 sets of wireless voice communications equipment in four underground workshops. Twenty people were caught, seven of whom were detained.

Police in Hunan Province detained a person surnamed Sun on May 31, who was selling exam papers and answers on Web sites to be used for the province’s examination. He told police that he had assembled the papers online as he had no authentic papers.

Police in Fujian Province caught a man surnamed Chen on June 2 who sold fake answers to this year’s exams and cheating devices. The answers were all fake, as Chen was also unable to access authentic papers.

According to a BBC report from June 5, video cameras were installed in almost 60,000 examination halls to prevent 10.2 million registered examinees cheating in the world’s largest college entrance examination.

Read this article in Chinese: http://epochtimes.com/gb/9/6/8/n2550976.htm