Guyana’s alleged “mineral-smuggling Minister” furious over Oslo Times article

Guyana’s alleged “mineral-smuggling Minister” furious over Oslo Times article
Robert Persaud; Guyana's Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment.
Dennis Adonis

Georgetown, Guyana;   Furious over a republished article which established that Western Intelligence is currently monitoring acts of alleged mineral smuggling in Guyana, the country’s Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr. Robert Persaud sought to discredit the report via a string of media outfits under his control.

Lashing out via iNews, a little known online media outfit that he owns in Guyana, the long-serving Minister caused his media house to publish a responding article to discredit the contents of the story which had first appeared in the Oslo Times on Monday 8 December, under the caption “U.S believes Mexico’s drug cartels funding several gold mining operations in Guyana”.

In the article, it was established that U.S President Barack Obama had signed the 2010 financial regulations bill into law, with the primary focus of cleaning up some bad business on Wall Street, while stretching Washington’s judicial reach to other countries engaged in bad business transactions that passes through U.S banks.

But buried in the 2,300 page document is an obscured section that covers the mineral exploitation profiteering feats in a number of jurisdictions, including Guyana, and everyone in that country that may be directly or indirectly involved in mineral trade with U.S companies or may have gained from questionable mineral trading transactions that passes through U.S banks.

To this effect, Western Intelligence had kept a close watch on Guyana’s expanding mineral operations, with the hierarchy in Washington unearthing apparent evidence of several mining operations in Guyana being funded by Mexico’s Knight Templar cartel.

This was further compounded by media complains by some Guyanese members of Parliament who accused Minister Persaud of criminal collusion by way of his alleged profiteering from two companies that opposition politicians suspected to be associated with the Knight Templar drug cartel.

In an effort to give the said Minister a chance to defend himself against the allegations, several efforts were made by the Oslo Times to hear his side of the story.

But, after initially promising to respond, the Minister subsequently became evasive, thus allowing for the story to be published in the Oslo Times, ex parte.

However, once the article was published, Minister Robert Persaud took to his media outfits and sought to discredit the article’s writer and the Epoch Times.

Expressing an obvious pathological ignorance of the global journalism landscape, the Minister’s media outfit identified the article’s writer as a fraudster while suggesting that the Epoch Times Website is owned by the said writer.

He did not seem to know that The Epoch Times is a New York headquartered newspaper that has a presence in more than 35 countries worldwide, and is published in at least ten different languages.

Nonetheless, no direct reference was made to the Oslo Times, probably out of fear for a fragile deforestation control agreement that Guyana has with Norway.

In Guyana, Minister Robert Persaud operates a radio station under five frequency licenses, along with a media outfit that had so far remain under the scrutiny of opposition MP’s and several other disenfranchised radio license applicants.

Global media giant CNN is currently developing an independent mineral smuggling documentary in which the Minister and two alleged associated mining magnates are expected to be prominently featured.

Dennis Adonis is a Contributing Writer at The Epoch Times,, The Oslo Times, CNN, and several other major media outfits. He is also the Author of 19 books covering technology topics, children educational topics, academic literature, poetry, political fiction, non fiction, and romance.
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